

By Y. Cronos. Mount Holyoke College.

In het geval van urinemonsters zijn matrixcomponenten in het eindextract aanwezig die ervoor zorgen dat de retentietijden van alle isomeren afnemen cheap pristiq 50mg mastercard medications janumet, waardoor onvoldoende chromatografische resolutie wordt verkregen 100 mg pristiq mastercard symptoms 10dpo. Om dit te voorkomen is een intensieve opschoning van de monsterextracten ontwikkeld, bestaande uit een vaste fase extractie met daarna een vloeistof-vloeistofextractie. De ontwikkelde methode is volledig gevalideerd en voldoet aan de gestelde criteria voor alle -1 isomeren. Met name penicillines worden veelvuldig gebruikt in de veehouderij en als humaan medicijn. Resistentie voor cefalosporines en in minder mate carbapenems komt tevens voor, wat een gevaar vormt voor de volksgezondheid. De uitdagingen voor de analyse van ß-lactams zijn (1) de instabiliteit van enkele componenten behorende tot deze groep en (2) het metabolisme van ceftiofur en cefapirine, en eiwitbinding van ceftiofurresiduen. Een beperkte instabiliteit van cefapirine en desfuroylceftiofur is waargenomen bij verhoogde temperatuur. Ceftiofur en cefapirine degraderen meteen en volledig in basisch milieu, resulterend in antimicrobieel inactieve producten. Ceftiofur en cefapirine degraderen tevens in de aanwezigheid van nierextract resulterend in eerder gerapporteerde en nog niet eerder gerapporteerde producten. Condities die vaak voorkomen bij de analyse van ceftiofur en cefapirine kunnen leiden tot snelle afbraak van deze componenten. Daarom wordt op theoretische gronden geconcludeerd dat het waarschijnlijk is dat een onderschatting van het ceftiofur- en cefapirinegehalte plaatsvindt bij toepassing van de conventionele methoden voor de analyse van deze componenten en dat een nieuwe methode, die rekening houdt met het metabolisme en deze degradatie noodzakelijk is. Om effectief off-label gebruik van ceftiofur aan te kunnen tonen dient een analysemethode naast ceftiofur zelf ook de actieve metabolieten daarvan te kunnen detecteren. Er is vastgesteld dat methode A niet geschikt is voor de kwantitatieve analyse van de totale hoeveelheid ceftiofurmetabolieten, noch voor de effectieve detectie van off-label gebruik van ceftiofur. Methode B resulteert in goede kwantitatieve resultaten, echter deze methode is uitsluitend geschikt voor de analyse van ceftiofur, niet voor andere cefalosporines. Methode C geeft tevens goede kwantitatieve resultaten en deze methode lijkt geschikt voor toepassing van de analyse van diverse cefalosporines in kippenvlees. De methode is volledig gevalideerd en de bepaalde methodekarakteristieken zijn acceptabel bevonden voor de kwantitatieve analyse van 21 van de 22 ß-lactams. Daarnaast is aangetoond dat de ontwikkelde methode effectief is voor het opsporen van off-label gebruik van ceftiofur, omdat met deze methode ook eiwitgebonden residuen worden gedetecteerd. In hoofdstuk 6 zijn toekomstperspectieven betreffende antibioticumanalyse besproken. Er is onderzoek nodig om de optimale condities voor beide dimensies te bepalen en om een goede koppeling te maken tussen beide dimensies. Door de hoge diffusiesnelheid en de lage tegendruk kunnen zeer snelle scheidingen met hoge resolutie verkregen worden. In hoofdstuk 6 worden ook de verwachte ontwikkelingen in de monitoring van residuen besproken. Het nationaal monitoringsplan zal meer risicogebaseerd worden en daardoor is een flexibelere aanpak vereist. Het meest efficiënt is het gebruik van generieke, veel componenten omvattende, screeningsmethoden in combinatie met enkele zeer selectieve bevestigingsmethodes. Daarnaast zal, door de verregaande ontwikkeling van bacteriële resistentie, monitoring steeds meer gericht worden op het testen van antibioticumgebruik in het algemeen naast de monitoring van antibiotica in voedselproducten. Hierbij moeten detectiegrenzen zo laag mogelijk zijn en is het gebruik van andere matrices mogelijk relevant, zoals mest, haar, veren, veegmonsters (alle niet-invasief) en botten. Op basis van het onderzoek gepresenteerd in dit proefschrift, kunnen we de volgende vraag beantwoorden: “Hoeveel selectiviteit is vereist? Normaal gesproken bestaat er een wisselwerking tussen 337 selectiviteit en het aantal componenten dat met één methode geanalyseerd kan worden. Voor screeningsmethoden zou derhalve een lagere selectiviteit volstaan, terwijl de selectiviteit van bevestigingsmethoden hoog moet zijn. Hieruit wordt geconcludeerd dat bij methodeontwikkeling en –validatie, het van groot belang is de parameter selectiviteit in detail te bestuderen. Deadlines, mislukte experimenten, lastige reviewers… Gelukkig heb ik de afgelopen jaren de druk die ik voelde enigszins weten te beperken.

The genes for aminoglycoside-inactivating enzymes spread horizontally by transposons and plasmids (see Chapter 10) cheap pristiq 100mg with amex treatment centers near me, and their origins can then be questioned generic pristiq 50 mg online medicine etodolac. It has been shown that the resistance mechanisms mentioned can also be found in aminoglycoside-producing soil organisms such as S. Studies of their mechanisms of action have to a large extent contributed to an understanding of ribosomal function at bacterial peptide synthesis. That aminoglycoside resistance mechanisms, similar to those found in pathogenic bacteria, can also be found in soil organisms is probably a key to the origin of most enzymes that mediate resistance to antibiotics. Further antibacterial agents inhibiting bacterial peptide synthesis are described in this chapter: among them the frequently used tetracyclines and the macrolides, also chloramphenicol, feared for its side effects, and the rarely used fusidic acid. Finally, the last new, selectively acting antibacterial agent, linezolid, is described, together with its effect on bacterial protein synthesis by means of an earlier unknown mechanism. It was isolated from Streptomyces venezuelae in 1947 and was intro- duced in clinical medicine in the 1950s. The effect of chloramphenicol, which Antibiotics and Antibiotics Resistance, First Edition. Experiments with radioactively labeled chlo- ramphenicol have shown its exclusive binding to the larger, 50S subunit of the bacterial ribosome (70S), one molecule per 50S particle. It does not bind at all to mammalian 80S ribosomes, which explaines its selective action on bacteria. As noted ear- lier, the Swedberg unit defines the movement of the particle in the gravitational field of an ultracentrifuge. Simple experiments explain the reversible bacteriostatic effect of chloramphenicol, in that the drug can easily be removed from a bacterial culture, by centrifugation or filtration, allowing the bacterial ribosomes to resume their normal function. This has been an important tool in earlier investigations of the interplay between protein synthe- sis and the formation of other macromolecules in the bacterial cell, by allowing the temporary inhibition of protein synthesis. Specifically, chloramphenicol binds to several peptides of the 50S particle, including L15, L18, and L27 (L for large, the larger sub- unit of the 70S bacterial ribosome). These observations do not, however, allow a complete understanding of protein synthesis inhibition by chloramphenicol, the details of which remain to be explained. In the liquor cerebrospinalis it reaches concentrations that are 30 to 50% of those in the blood serum, which means that this drug can be used efficiently for the treatment of meningitis. Clinical Side Effects Chloramphenicol ought to be a much appreciated antibiotic for the systemic treatment of bacterial infections—but it is not. This is because of a feared side effect, blood dyscrasias, which occur in two forms, one dose related and reversible, the other dose independent, appearing late in the treatment and mediating an irreversible and fatal aplastic anemia. The latter side effect has a low incidence, about one in 200,000 cases treated, but still has led to a very limited use of this drug in clinical praxis. It has been speculated that the known inhibition of mitocondrial protein synthesis in mammalian cells by chloramphenicol could play a role, but this is not consistent with the very low incidence of this side effect. In later years the sensitivity to chloramphenicol and the appearance of aplastic anemia have been shown to have a hereditary component, which has not been defined further. In severe infectious diseases such as meningitis and typhoid fever, when the risk of the disease and the risk of side effects are in the balance, chloramphenicol is a very valuable antibacterial agent. Bacterial Resistance to Chloramphenicol Resistance to chloramphenicol occurs in two forms. One is easily observed in the laboratory by growing experimental bacteria at incrementally increasing concentrations of chloramphenicol. The clinically most important form of resistance is of another type, how- ever, mediated by an enzymatic inactivation of chloramphenicol by the acetylation of its two hydroxyl groups (see 7-1). This acetylation is effected by foreign genes expressing chloram- phenicol acetyl transferases by transferring an acetyl group from acetyl coenzymeA to the outer of the two hydroxyl groups in the chloramphenicol molecule. The outer hydroxyl group is again acetylated by an acetyl transferase to give a final product, diacetyl chloramphenicol. The two acetyl groups pre- vent the binding of chloramphenicol to the bacterial ribosome, invalidating its antibacterial effect. Chloramphenicol acetylating enzymes can be observed in both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, and their corre- sponding genes are located chromosomally or borne on plasmids. In the latter case they are likely to be transferable horizon- tally (see Chapter 10).

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Upper Limbs ed behind the (14) symphysis pubis; the rectum is in The skeletal framework of each upper limb includes the curve of the (15) sacrum and (16) coccyx generic 50mg pristiq free shipping medications quizlet. Anatomically speaking cheap 50 mg pristiq symptoms of high blood pressure, female, the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and vagi- the arm is only that part of the upper limb between na are located between the bladder and the rectum. Each appendage consists of a (3) humerus (upper arm bone), which articulates Lower Limbs with the (4) radius and (5) ulna at the elbow. The The lower limbs support the complete weight of the radius and ulna form the skeleton of the forearm. To accommodate (wrist); five radiating (7) metacarpals (palm); and for these types of forces, the lower limb bones are ten radiating (8) phalanges (fingers). The difference between the upper and Pelvic (Hip) Girdle lower limb bones is that the lighter bones of the The (9) pelvic girdle is a basin-shaped structure upper limbs are adapted for mobility and flexibility; that attaches the lower limbs to the axial skeleton. It is the largest, Male and female pelves (singular, pelvis) differ longest, and strongest bone in the body. The leg is considerably in size and shape but share the same formed by two parallel bones: the (18) tibia and basic structures. The seven (20) tarsals (ankle able to the function of the female pelvis during bones) resemble metacarpals (wrist bones) in childbearing. Lastly, the bones of the foot include the male pelvis but wider in all directions. The female (21) metatarsals, which consists of five small long pelvis not only supports the enlarged uterus as the bones numbered 1 to 5 beginning with the great fetus matures but also provides a large opening to toe on the medial side of the foot, and the much allow the infant to pass through during birth. These Joints or Articulations three bones are fused together in the adult to form a single bone called the innominate (hip) bone. To allow for body movements, bones must have The ilium travels inferiorly to form part of the points where they meet (articulate). These articu- (13) acetabulum (the deep socket of the hip joint) lating points form joints that have various degrees and medially to join the pubis. Some are freely movable (diarthroses), Anatomy and Physiology 277 others are only slightly movable (amphiarthroses), most synovial joints, the capsule is strengthened and the remaining are immovable (synarthroses). A membrane called the synovial membrane Joints that allow movement are called synovial surrounds the inside of the capsule. The ends of the bones that comprise these lubricating fluid (synovial fluid) within the joints are encased in a sleevelike extension of the entire joint capsule. This capsule bones are covered with a smooth layer of carti- binds the articulating bones to each other. Connecting Body Systems–Musculoskeletal System The main function of the musculoskeletal system is to provide support, protection, and movement of body parts. Specific functional relationships between the musculoskeletal system and other body systems are summarized below. Blood, lymph, and immune • Bones provide a source of calcium during • Muscle action pumps lymph through lym- pregnancy and lactation if dietary intake is phatic vessels. Cardiovascular Genitourinary • Bone helps regulate blood calcium levels, • Skeletal muscles are important in sexual important to heart function. Endocrine Nervous • Exercising skeletal muscles stimulate • Bones protect the brain and spinal cord. Respiratory Female reproductive • Muscles and ribs work together in the • Skeletal muscles are important in sexual breathing process. It may be the result of trau- ma, surgery, or disease and most commonly occurs in rheumatoid arthritis. In today’s medical practice, however, the orthopedist treats musculoskeletal disorders and associated structures in persons of all ages. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts work together to maintain a constant bone size in adults. It may cause pain, especially in the lower back; pathological fractures; loss of stature; and hairline fractures. It is performed by inserting small surgical instruments to remove and repair damaged tissue, such as cartilage fragments or torn ligaments. Pathology Fractures Joints are especially vulnerable to constant wear A broken bone is called a fracture.

Self-Help Books Anxiety and Depression Workbook For Dummies purchase pristiq 100 mg otc medicine game, by Charles Elliott and Laura Smith (Wiley Publishing generic 50mg pristiq with visa medications 1, Inc. Be especially cautious about official-sounding organizations that promote materials for sale. They may be uneducated about anxiety or, worse, trying to take advantage of a person in distress. Here’s a list of a variety of legitimate Web sites that don’t sell snake oil: ✓ The Academy of Cognitive Therapy (www. They pro- mote evidence-based treatment and maintain a list of certified mental- health professionals through the world. Information is available about causes, prevalence, and treatments of disorders for children and adults. Index alcohol • A • as anxiety solution, 16 benzodiazepines and, 153 abdominal breathing. Nielen Professor of Analytical Chemistry, with special emphasis for the detection of chemical food contaminants Wageningen University Co-promotor Dr. Berendsen Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor at Wageningen University by the authority of the Rector magnificus Prof. Kropff, In the presence of the Thesis Committee appointed by the Academic Board to be defended in public on Friday 14 June 2013 at 11 a. The quantitative aspect regards the determination of the amount of the compound present in the sample. Validation procedures are available to determine the uncertainty of this result, which is taken into account in the decision making process. The qualitative aspect regards the confirmation of the identity of the compound present. In this, selectivity is the main parameter which is defined as the ability of a method to discriminate the analyte being measured from other substances. A trend observed in residue analysis is towards more generic methods for the detection of a broad range of compounds in a single run. Procedures to determine the uncertainty of the qualitative aspect are lacking and, as a result, whether or not a method is adequately selective is a matter of experts’ judgment. In this thesis a method is presented for grading selectivity of methods using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Based on the outcome it can be stated if selectivity is adequate and thus if a confirmatory result stands strong when challenged in a court case. If selectivity is found inadequate, additional measures can be taken like the selection of another product ion or the use of a third product ion to obtain adequate selectivity. Furthermore, two examples of analyses are presented in which selectivity plays an important role. In this method a derivatization is applied to be able to effectively detect off-label ceftiofur use. In this selectivity is intentionally compromised and no unequivocal confirmation can be carried out using this method. The developed method is applicable to a wide range of ß-lactam antibiotics including penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems and is the best method available today for effective monitoring of off-label ß-lactam usage in poultry breeding. Table of contents Chapter 1 General introduction 9 Chapter 2 Selectivity in the sample preparation for the analysis of drug residues in 55 products of animal origin using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry Chapter 3 The (un)certainty of selectivity in liquid chromatography coupled to 81 tandem mass spectrometry Chapter 4 The analysis of chloramphenicol 113 4. Evidence of the natural occurrence of the banned antibiotic 119 chloramphenicol in crops and soil 4. Discrimination of eight chloramphenicol isomer by liquid 134 chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in order to investigate the natural occurrence of chloramphenicol 4. Quantitative trace analysis of eight chloramphenicol isomers in 152 urine by chiral liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry 4. The occurrence of chloramphenicol in crops through the natural 173 production by bacteria in soil Chapter 5 The analysis of ß-lactam antibiotics 193 5. Newly identified degradation products of ceftiofur and cefapirin 202 impact the analytical approach for the quantitative analysis of kidney 5.

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In the case the detection limits are not sufficiently low due to the presence of matrix order pristiq 50mg line treatment solutions, the solution is to be found in a more selective (and therefore usually more extensive) sample preparation procedure to remove excessive matrix interferences discount 50mg pristiq overnight delivery medications made from animals. According to criteria concerning the performance of analytical methods and the interpretation of results methods used for the analysis of samples taken for monitoring residues in animal products have to be validated according to the described procedures [46]. In these procedures selectivity is mentioned as a main characteristic of an analytical method. Selectivity is defined as “the power of discrimination between the analyte and closely related substances like isomers (... To obtain sufficient selectivity to be able to comply with this definition and to discriminate among different stereo-isomers, selective methods are needed, usually involving chiral selectors. Recently, it has been reported that an 73 extensive clean-up procedure is mandatory for the stereo-isomeric selective analysis of clevudine in plasma [71] and chloramphenicol in urine [72]. Such methods are considered screening methods that are useful for application in a routine situation where high sample throughput is of major importance. The use of acidic or alkaline conditions during extraction can improve the procedure for specific compounds, but overall recoveries are compromised. Conclusions For the analysis of multi-class compounds, having very different physical and chemical properties, very generic procedures should be applied. The first challenge is the extraction of the target compounds from the complex matrices encountered in food analysis. The selection of the extraction solvent is related to the target compounds in order to obtain high extraction efficiency, but also to the matrix of interest to prevent excessive matrix effects and to obtain a final extract that is compatible with injection into the chromatographic system. Therefore, a combination of extraction methods is needed that have to be carried out subsequently or in parallel or a compromise has to be made in terms of recovery or the number of compounds included in the method. Besides the continuation of the development of generic non-selective sample preparation methods and the automation of these straight forward procedures, an expected parallel and opposite future trend is towards highly selective sample preparation to produce precise quantitative results at low levels and to be able to comply with regulations regarding confirmation of the identity of a compounds, e. Nisyriou, Multi-residue methods for confirmatory determination of antibiotics in milk, J. Widmer, Quantitative multiresidue method for about 100 veterinary drugs in different meat matrices by sub 2-μm particulate high- performance liquid chromatography coupled to time of flight mass spectrometry, J. Nielen, Full-scan accurate mass selectivity of ultra-performance liquid chromatography combined with time-of-flight and orbitrap mass spectrometry in hormone and veterinary drug residue analysis, J. Maden, Post-interface signal suppression, a phenomenon observed in a single-stage Orbitrap mass spectrometer coupled to an electrospray interfaced liquid chromatograph, Rapid Commun. Bogialli, A review of novel strategies of sample preparation for the determination of antibacterial residues in foodstuffs using liquid chromatography-based analytical methods, Anal. Danaher, Current trends in sample preparation for growth promoter and veterinary drug residue analysis, J. Zuloaga, Stir-bar sorptive extraction: A view on method optimisation, novel applications, limitations and potential solutions, J. Pang, Multi-residue detection of pesticides in juice and fruit wine: A review of extraction and detection methods, Food Res. Field, Trace analysis of environmental matrices by large-volume injection and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, Anal. Barceló, Fast and comprehensive multi-residue analysis of a broad range of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and some of their metabolites in surface and treated waters by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole-linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometry, J. Namieśnik, Green Aspects of Techniques for the Determination of Currently Used Pesticides in Environmental Samples, Int. Garrido Frenich, Multiclass method for fast determination of veterinary drug residues in baby food by ultra-high- performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, Food Chem. Hwang, Multiclass analysis of 23 veterinary drugs in milk by ultraperformance liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry, J. Sanders, Validation of a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry screening method to monitor 58 antibiotics in milk: a qualitative approach, Food Add. Guy, Multi-screening approach to monitor and quantify 42 antibiotic residues in honey by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, J. Mulder, Toward a Generic Extraction Method for Simultaneous Determination of Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Plant Toxins, and Veterinary Drugs in Feed and Food Matrixes, Anal. Shurmer, Multiclass, multiresidue drug analysis, Including aminoglycosides, in animal tissue using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, J. Leepipatpiboon, Efficient hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the multiclass analysis of veterinary drugs in chicken muscle, Anal.

These include alcoholic hepatitis generic pristiq 100mg visa treatment episode data set, cirrhosis order 100 mg pristiq with visa medications hyperkalemia, and drug or toxin induced hepatocellular injury. Patients with such illnesses have a clinical picture consistent with liver malfunction and failure, and the jaundice is merely a representation of this underlying liver failure. Often, liver biopsy is required to confirm a diagnosis in equivocal situations (see Algorithm 24. There usually is no requirement for surgical intervention, except for cases of fulminant hepatic failure or end-stage liver disease requiring liver transplantation. Treat- ment for chronic hepatitis B includes the use of interferon or lamivu- dine. Medical management of alcohol- and toxin-induced liver damage also is primarily supportive in nature. Acetaminophin poi- soning can be treated with acetylcysteine, but most hepatic toxins do not have a specific antidote. Summary Jaundice is a manifestation of an abnormality with bilirubin metab- olism. There are certain signs and symptoms common to all jaundiced patients (yellow skin, itching). Specific items from the history and physical examination along with blood work can help the clinician clas- sify jaundice into obstructive and nonobstructive jaundice. Surgical or other mechanical intervention almost exclusively is restricted to cases of obstructive (posthepatic) jaundice. Imaging evaluation of the gall- bladder and biliary system plays an important role in the evaluation of obstructive jaundice by locating the site and disclosing the nature of 24. Ultrasound imaging usually is the first step for sus- pected biliary stone disease. The physician’s level of suspicion about benign versus malignant causes of obstructive jaundice will lead to dif- ferent radiologic tests and interventions. Major surgical resections are required for cure, and only a minority of patients are cured of their malignancy. Excellent palliation can be achieved, however, either with surgical bypass or stents. Useful predictors of bile duct stones in patients under- going laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Predicting common bile duct lithiasis: determination and prospective validation of a model predicting low risk. Resectional surgery of hilar cholangiocarcinoma: a multivariate analysis of prognostic factors. An institutional review of the management of choled- ocholithiasis in 1616 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. To describe the presentation and potential complications of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. To contrast the pathology, anatomic location and pattern, cancer risk, and diagnostic evaluation of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. To discuss the role of surgery in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. To outline the diagnosis and management of colonic volvulus and diverticular disease. To outline the treatment of carcinoma located at different levels of the colon and rectum. Cases Case 1 A 35-year-old Caucasian man presents with a 48-hour history of bloody diarrhea, diffuse abdominal pain, and feverishness. He experienced some blood in his stools 6 months previously, but he did not seek medical attention. Physical exam reveals abdominal distention, slight rebound tenderness diffusely, and hyperactive bowel sounds.

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Bibliography 245 Morbidity and Mortality W eekly Report Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 37(24):377ñ388 buy generic pristiq 50mg line treatment locator, 1988a order pristiq 50mg overnight delivery treatment alternatives. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Morbidity and Polydrug and methadone addicted newborns: Mortality W eekly Report 51(46):1051ñ1052, A continuum of impairment? Suicidality in a sample of Sexually transmitted diseases treatment methadone maintenance clients. Heavy for a changing epidemicóUnited States, drinking in a population of methadone- 2003. Eleven years of community- of nevirapine and methadone and guidelines based directly observed therapy for tubercu- for use of nevirapine to treat injection drug losis. Preventing adverse drug interac- lance program to monitor UltramÆ (tramadol tions before they occur. Enzyme immunoassay validation for the Clinics of North America 38(3):525ñ537, detection of buprenorphine in urine. Dear Colleague (Letter to opioid Pain intolerance in opioid-maintained former treatment professionals). American toxicology as an outcome measure in drug Journal on Addictions 10(2):159ñ166, 2001. Cytochrome P450 System: Drug Interaction Psychiatric disorders among drug dependent Principles for Medical Practice. Research on contingency man- American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse agement of drug dependence: Clinical impli- 19(1):65ñ78, 1993. Toxicologic Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services aspects of heroin substitution treatment. American Journal of Demystifying Evaluation: A Manual for Obstetrics and Gynecology 129(6):679ñ686, Evaluating Your Substance Abuse Treatment 1977. People W ith Physical and Cognitive Integrating Substance Abuse Treatment and Disabilities. Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons W ith Substance Abuse Treatment. Abuse and Mental Health Services Clinical Guidelines for the Use of Administration, 1999d, reprinted 2001. Recovering Alcoholics and Drug-Dependent Journal of Maintenance in the Addictions Persons, 3d ed. Motivational response to methadone maintenance treat- Interviewing: Preparing People To Change ment. Antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy Current W omenís Health Reports 1(1):27ñ30, and injecting heroin use. The relationship Disorders: Assessment and Treatment between suicide and heroin overdose among (Practical Resources for the Mental Health methadone maintenance patients in Sydney, Professional). Scientific tion in a sample of patients in treatment for American 243(6):138ñ154, 1980. Methadone plasma methadone maintenance: Clinical opportuni- level: Sustained by a reservoir of drug in tis- ties and challenges. Archives of ing: Urinalysis results in the first year of Internal Medicine 120(1):19ñ24, 1967. Methadone maintenance in preg- Complications of severe mental illness related nancy: Consequences to care and outcome. Is it justifiable to withhold treatment Drug Enforcement Administration, Office of for hepatitis C from illicit-drug users? Diagnostic testingóLaboratory ence partner violence: Isolation and male and psychological. Alcohol Clinical not interact in the same way with the Experimental Research 17(3):681ñ686, 1993. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Interindividual variability of the clinical 54(3):259ñ265, 1999.


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