

By N. Taklar. Augsburg College. 2018.

Peripheral stimuli should cause guarding or defensive movements (‘best motor response’) discount 100mg silagra overnight delivery erectile dysfunction generics, indicating level of awareness buy silagra 50mg overnight delivery impotence marriage. While vigorous pain stimuli are essential for isolated observations with major implications (e. However, neurological crises may be rapid, secondary damage occurring before intermittent measurement (e. However, since knowledge about transmission and reflection of near infrared light through brain structures is limited, Germon et al. Currently, infrared spectroscopy has been used more widely with neonates than with adults (Menon 1997). As with mixed venous saturation, jugular bulb saturation (SjO2) indicates global cerebral oxygen delivery, but cannot detect regional ischaemia Intensive care nursing 222 (Feldman & Robertson 1997). Cerebral oxygen consumption is normally 35–40 per cent of available oxygen so that normal SjO2 is 60–65 per cent (March 1994); changes in SjO2 reflect changes in cerebral metabolic rate and cerebral blood flow. High SjO2 indicates ■ increased cerebral blood flow ■ reduced oxygen extraction ■ hyperventilation (respiratory alkalosis; leftward shunt of oxygen dissociation curve increasing affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen (Sikes & Segal 1994)) Levels below 54 per cent suggest cerebral hypoperfusion; below 40 per cent indicate global cerebral ischaemia (Dearden 1991). Approximately one-half of desaturation episodes are artificial, often due to low light intensity (Sikes & Segal 1994). The choice of catheters therefore depends on: ■ level of accuracy required ■ likely duration of monitoring ■ infection risk ■ equipment available. Intraventricular catheters with ventriculostomy (burr hole) provide the gold standard for intracranial pressure monitoring (Menon 1997). Bolts usually measure subdural pressure (Sutcliffe 1997) and, by not penetrating the ventricle, the risk of meningitis is reduced (Hickman et al. Advancing catheters into the non-dominant hemisphere reduces potential damage (Hanley 1997). Infection risks with intraventricular catheters remain low for 72 hours, then rise significantly (Sutcliffe 1997) but variably (0. Since infection means meningitis, the risk-benefit analysis should guide the choice and duration of intraventricular measurement. Infection risk is highest with fluid-filled systems (Price 1998) and so, as with other invasive equipment, maintaining closed circuits reduces infection (Hickman et al. Although both systolic and diastolic pressures are measured, normally mean pressure is the value recorded; all figures above refer to mean pressures. Fibre-optic catheters produce a pulse and trend waveform (Hall 1997); initially more reliable than bolts (Bruder et al. Neurological monitoring and intracranial hypertension 223 Fibre-optic systems do not introduce fluid, and so infection rates are low (Chitnavis & Polkey 1998). Glass fibres are fragile and break easily (Chitnavis & Polkey 1998)—sheaths can protect patients from harm. Fibre optics normally include a drainage channel, to relieve raised intracranial pressure. Once positioned, marking their location with permanent ink will help to identify any catheter migration (Hall 1997). Broadly similar to arterial waveforms, but with lower amplitude (Hall 1997), the waveform has three peaks (Hickey 1997a) (see Figure 22. Nursing intracranial pressure considerations Nursing responsibilities combine the technical roles of monitoring and regulating treatments with the holistic, person-centred care fundamental to nursing. Care of patients with raised intracranial pressure includes awareness of factors that might aggravate intracranial hypertension. While some common aspects are identified below, responses of different patients are individual so that nurses should always observe their patients to assess responses to each intervention (Odell 1996). Chudley (1994) recommends spacing each intervention by at least ten minutes, although this may need to be balanced against enabling adequate rest periods (see Chapter 3). The primary aim of care is to prevent aggravating intracranial hypertension; therefore, numbers and extent of interventions should normally be minimised. Rising (1993) found that only suctioning, turning and bed bathing caused transient increases in pressure; other interventions had no significant effects.

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Much of the ‘art’ of medicine lies in the ability of preclinical pharmacology and toxicology buy silagra 50mg low price impotence in 30s. Generic Basic pharmacologists often use isolated preparations generic silagra 100 mg erectile dysfunction implant, names should generally be used (exceptions are mentioned where the concentration of drug in the organ bath is controlled later in the book), together with dose, frequency and duration precisely. Such preparations may be stable for minutes to of treatment, and paper prescriptions signed. In therapeutics, drugs are administered to the whole print the prescriber’s name, address and telephone number to organism by a route that is as convenient and safe as possible facilitate communication from the pharmacist should a query (usually by mouth), for days if not years. The processes of absorption, distribution, metabolism and elim- Historically, formularies listed the components of mixtures ination (what the body does to the drug) determine the drug prescribed until around 1950. The perceived need for hospital concentration–time relationships in plasma and at the recep- formularies disappeared transiently when such mixtures tors. Pharmacokinetic modelling is crucial in drug development to plan a rational therapeutic A general practitioner reviews the medication of an 86-year-old woman with hypertension and multi-infarct regime, and understanding pharmacokinetics is also import- dementia, who is living in a nursing home. Her family used ant for prescribers individualizing therapy for a particular to visit daily, but she no longer recognizes them, and needs patient. Pharmacokinetic principles are described in Chapter 3 help with dressing, washing and feeding. Genetic influences on bendroflumethiazide, atenolol, atorvastatin, aspirin, haloperi- pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics (pharmacogenet- dol, imipramine, lactulose and senna. On examination, she smells of urine and has several bruises on her head, but ics) are discussed in Chapter 14 and effects of disease are otherwise seems well cared for. She is calm, but looks pale addressed in Chapter 7, and the use of drugs in pregnancy and bewildered, and has a pulse of 48 beats/min regular, and at extremes of age is discussed in Chapters 9–11. The only way to ensure that a drug with promising Her rectum is loaded with hard stool. Urine culture showed only a light pharmacological actions is effective in treating or preventing mixed growth. All of the medications were stopped and disease is to perform a specific kind of human experiment, manual evacuation of faeces performed. Prescribing doctors must understand the tive for occult blood and the full blood count was normal. Ignorance leaves the physician at the mercy of sources of infor- Comment mation that are biased by commercial interests. Sources of It is seldom helpful to give drugs in order to prevent some- unbiased drug information include Dollery’s encyclopaedic thing that has already happened (in this case multi-infarct Therapeutic drugs, 2nd edn (published by Churchill Livingstone dementia), and any benefit in preventing further ischaemic events has to be balanced against the harm done by the in 1999), which is an invaluable source of reference. In this case, drug-related problems probably such as the Adverse Reaction Bulletin, Prescribers Journal and include postural hypotension (due to imipramine, ben- the succinctly argued Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin provide droflumethiazide and haloperidol), reduced mobility (due to up-to-date discussions of therapeutic issues of current haloperidol), constipation (due to imipramine and haloperi- importance. Drug-induced torsades de pointes (a form of Key points ventricular tachycardia, see Chapter 32) is another issue. Despite her pallor, the patient was not bleeding into the gastro-intestinal tract, but aspirin could have caused this. Examples include inhibitors of angiotensin convert- as a result of high-affinity binding to specific receptors in ing enzyme and serotonin reuptake. These sites of drug action plasma membranes or cell cytoplasm/nuclei, and many thera- are not ‘receptors’ in the sense of being sites of action of peutically important drugs exert their effects by combining with endogenous mediators. Occasionally, however, covalent bonds are formed Pre Rx 8 pH n with irreversible loss of function, e. This method of plotting dose–response 25 2 curves facilitates quantitative analysis (see below) of full agonists < 2. This was a study comparing the effect of immediate-release omeprazole with a loading dose of 40mg, a second dose six to eight hours later, followed by 40mg daily, with a continuous i. Despite this complexity, it turns out that receptors fall into 100 only four ‘superfamilies’ each linked to distinct types of signal transduction mechanism (i. Three families are A B located in the cell membrane, while the fourth is intracellular (e. Such effects adrenaline noradrenaline on tissues rich in β-receptors, such occur over a time-course of minutes to hours. Such data are supplemented, but not Agonists activate receptors for endogenous mediators – e. Labelling (neuromuscular blockade) by causing long-lasting depolariza- with irreversible antagonists permitted receptor solubilization tion at the neuromuscular junction, and hence inactivation of and purification. As receptors are cloned Endogenous ligands have sometimes been discovered long and expressed in cells in culture, the original functional classifi- after the drugs that act on their receptors.

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The classic example is the hair of the dog discount silagra 50 mg royal jelly impotence, whereby rabies was thought to be cured by putting hair from the offending dog on the bite 28 | Traditional medicine wound trusted 50 mg silagra erectile dysfunction caused by hydrochlorothiazide. There are many other examples in European folk medicine, such as the cure of congenital hernia by splitting the trunk of a tree, usually oak or ash, passing the affected infant through it and binding the tree up again. Although the process was roughly the same across Europe, nineteenth- and twentieth- century folklorists have recorded a diverse range of associated rituals. In Portugal the rite had to be performed at midnight on St John’s Eve by three men named John, while three women named Mary spun thread and recited a charm. Taking the urine of a bewitched patient, placing it in a vessel along with some sharp objects, and boiling it, would similarly affect the witch. Until the development and acceptance of theory about germs in the nine- teenth century, folk medicine and orthodox medicine again shared similar or the same conceptions of contagion and how to deal with it. One significant difference between the two, however, concerned the folk medical notion that some diseases could not be destroyed and so cures could be achieved only by ritually transferring the illness to someone or something else. In the early seventeenth century Issobell Haldane explained how she cured a child by washing its shirt in some water in the name of the Trinity. On the way, however, she was cross with herself for having spilt some of the water because, if anyone passed over it, the disease would be transferred to them rather than being washed away in the stream. Here hepatitis is known as the mal d’arco or ‘rainbow illness’ and is thought to be contracted by looking at a rainbow while urinating outdoors, or by walking along a crossroad contaminated with the disease. It is cured by the patient urinating for several nights in a pot containing the plant common rue (Ruta graveolens). Ancient Greek physicians believed that health was governed by the balance of four substances or humours, namely yellow bile, black bile, blood and phlegm. Illnesses were caused by the imbalance of these substances, which Traditional European folk medicine | 29 led to excessive heat/cold, moistness/dryness in the body. Cures required the ingestion of foods, liquids or herbs that had hot/cold, wet/dry properties, which counteracted the identified imbalance, or methods such as bleeding, which reduced humoral excesses. In European popular culture people did not necessarily conceptualise health in humoral terms, but their practices and aeti- ologies were based on the theory as much as legitimatised medicine. Once the European medical community had rejected it by the end of the eighteenth century, however, its continued influence became a marker of scientific back- wardness. In its myriad manifestations it had its own distinct identity in local, regional and national contexts. Influence of religion Many aspects of folk medicine were and are inseparable from popular or practical religion. The sacrament of ordination was thought to imbue the Catholic priesthood with the healing power of God’s grace, while in Protes- tant communities ministers and pastors continued to play an important role as healers, using prayer and their literary knowledge of medicine. The Bible was a source of personal spiri- tual and physical succour, a prophylactic against illness, and the source of numerous written and oral healing charms. In Catholic communities sacra- mentals, holy water, blessed herbs, crosses, rosaries and relics had powerful healing properties, and continue to be employed by millions in Europe today. Take, for example, the Loretokind tradition in Switzerland, which concerns a small ivory figure of the infant Jesus displayed in the Capucin convent in Salzburg. Large numbers of replicas and pictures are consecrated by touching them against the original, and then sold at the convent or via mail order along with a blessing prayer. The image or replica is placed on the head or the spot on the body that hurts while reciting the accompanying blessing. A major survey conducted in the 1980s found that over 6000 shrines in western Europe were still active pilgrimage sites. To give just one example of the many that could be cited, in Croatia there has been a long history of worshipping St Lucia to cure eye complaints. Fifty years ago, people flocked to a house in the Istrian penin- sula in Croatia where a gold ring with an image of St Lucia was kept. Its guardian closed the eyelids of patients and made the sign of the cross over them three times with the ring, which had been dipped in consecrated water. In the region today people with eye problems still make vows to St Lucia on her feast day. While some renowned pilgrimages sites were suppressed, many, such as Holywell, the ‘Lourdes of Wales’, survived the Reformation. It remained a centre of Catholic activity despite its illegality, and generated numerous accounts of the miraculous healing properties of its waters. It has even been suggested that in Denmark the popular resort to holy springs and wells, mostly for eye complaints and rickets, became even more widespread after the Reformation, despite the condem- nation of the country’s Lutheran church.

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