
Shuddha Guggulu

By H. Rasul. University of Wisconsin-Stout. 2018.

Now I would hardly undertake to point out the symptoms that caused me to give the Quinine in this case generic shuddha guggulu 60 caps online weight loss boot camp. I admit that I should be able to point out the symptoms so that another could recognize the case order shuddha guggulu 60caps fast delivery weight loss 4 reviews, and tell why I give Quinine in certain cases, as in the one above, but I can’t as yet. We will sometimes find quite as marked examples in the administration of Nux Vomica. I recall a case in the past year of severe fever at the fifth day, not controlled in the least by the sedatives and associate means. A peculiar yellowness about mouth, umbilical pains, with increasing nausea, caused me to give Nux Vomica. The next morning there was a decided amelioration in all the symptoms, and by the seventh day the patient was convalescent. So I have treated inflammation of the lungs, fever, dysentery, colic, diarrhœa, and many other named diseases, with Nux alone, the symptoms pointing to it distinctly, and with the most satisfactory results. Doubtless, most of our readers have noticed a peculiarity of pulse, to which Aconite is the remedy. And with Aconite alone have been able to treat the entire disease with more than ordinary success. Given the small pulse, with moderate hardness, and a singular vibration like a violin string under the finger, and we have as near as I can give it the indication. To be plain, I say give Aconite always when the pulse is small and frequent, but sometimes it is only one of a number of remedies necessary, but in some it is all. Now let us learn to know those cases in which it is all, and then we will obtain the same results as we see from Quinine when it is specific. My first experience with this was in the Winter of 1859, in an endemic of cynanche maligna. In some of these cases the symptoms were as grave as in typhoid fever, and the ordinary treatment was not a success. Yet Baptisia controlled the frequency of pulse, lessened the temperature, established secretion, restored digestion, antidoted the rapid sepsis, and controlled the local disease. Some of our Homœopathic friends up North give their testimony in its favor, giving a large number of cases like the above, so that it has not been a single experience. And I find on reading back, that Eclectics had similar results twenty-five years since. We can reach but one conclusion from this, and that is, that there is a condition of disease to which Baptisia is specific, and when this condition is the basis of the series of morbid processes that make the disease before us, it may be the one remedy for the totality of disease. I have been guided by two symptoms, the peculiar fullness and purplish discoloration of fauces and pharynx, and the papescent, frothy, dark-colored feces. That there are others, I doubt not, and probably some more positive, but these would cause me to give Baptisia in any case. I have seen the gravest forms of disease rapidly fade away, upon the administration of Bi-carbonate of Soda when the common means had failed. There was a special indication for it; any one might see it, if he knew how and where to look. And now simple Soda becomes sedative where sedatives had failed, gives sleep where Opium had failed, establishes secretion, antidotes the blood-poison, or is actually antiperiodic where Quinine has proven a failure. If we wanted evidence badly, I might bring forward Chambers, Anstie, Bennett, Wunderlich, and others, to prove that very similar results have been obtained from the use of Muriatic Acid. With it alone, hundreds, yes, thousands of cases of typhoid and typhus fever have been treated with a mortality ranging from less than one per cent, to never more than three. I might give other examples, but these will suffice to awaken attention, and all that the subject wants is thought and investigation. That medicine will ever reach such perfection, that we will be able to select one remedy for the totality of disease in all cases, I do not believe, but that it may be done in a considerable number, I am quite certain. In the olden times, and with many now, medicine adds to the sufferings of the sick, and they dread more the unpleasantness of the doctor’s prescriptions than they do the disease. In looking over our Materia Medicas and Dispensatories, it would seem that our object has been to make the concoctions as nauseous as possible. In extemporaneous prescriptions it is the same; the combination of remedies, and the vehicle, combine to make the mixture unpleasant.

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She had the dryer vent taped up tighter and this got rid of her as- bestos problem purchase 60caps shuddha guggulu mastercard weight loss pills that make you feel full. She started on kidney herbs and in one month saw that her enlarged knuckles were beginning to go down generic shuddha guggulu 60caps with amex weight loss pills used in europe. I explained to her that painful shoulders did not belong to the arthritis picture but had a gallstone etiology which she could easily fix in a single night at a later time (liver cleanse). She also had mid-back, upper back and lower back pain; again the upper back pain belonged to the liver problem. In 33 days her low back pain had improved a lot, she could wash her own hair again and she could sit down and get up from her living room floor Fig. Patricia Robinson, age 76, had pain in her knees, feet, lower back, hands and wrists. The parasite test still showed Ascaris and she was started on the parasite program. We also found fluoride (from toothpaste), iridium, samarium and palladium, all from her tooth implants. She was to remove as much metal as the dentist could replace, clean cavitations, and take thioctic acid, 2 a day, to help clear metal from her body. In four weeks the sharp pain in her back was gone and in three more weeks the pain in her hands was gone. Lynne Snyder, 72, had pain in every joint and had to be on pain medi- cine to keep moving. In ten days she could feel some new energy but her pains were terrible, especially her knees. She was taken off tomato juice, cranberry juice, citrus, pepper (she was using a lot), and given buttermilk as a beverage which she enjoyed. Rheumatoid Arthritis When inflammation and swelling affect your joints, besides pain, it is called rheumatoid arthritis. Their eggs are everywhere around us, in dust and dirt and the filth un- der fingernails and our own bowel movements. Rinse fingernails in alcohol after cleaning up bowel movements or changing diapers. Of course, you can kill them with a zapper (internally, not the ones under the nails) but that is after you have been infected. A pet that goes outdoors will quickly (the very next day) bring these roundworms into the house again. You may relieve your pain and begin to heal immediately after zapping but it is wise to do all the health programs, anyway. Stay on the kidney cleanse for three to six weeks and repeat a one- week session every few months to keep removing deposits which may also choose these sick joints to settle in. To summarize, do everything as for osteoarthritis, empha- sizing the roundworm parasites for elimination. But we can easily triple and quadruple our benzoic acid intake by consuming commercial beverages and pastries where benzoic acid is used as a preservative. All of it must be detoxified, though, and this gives us way too much hippuric acid. The kidneys are unable to excrete such overloads of hippuric acid, so it distributes itself in our organs. It is only sensible for persons with chronic pain not to consume benzoic acid (or benzoate) preserved foods. Many vegetables, notably the cabbage family, contain such cyanides, giving them protection from insects, disease, and grazing animals. In fact, it is the chemical used as a general reactant with amino acids in the well known Edman degradation reaction. This suggests that the liver is capable, again, of detoxifying the cyanides for you in a reasonable time and you may eat them again. Joint pain, or arthritis, was known in antiquity long before dogs and cats were household pets and giving us their parasites. Pigs and horses harbor these roundworms too and may have been the source at that time. Homeopathic treatments, as well as massage, heat and electronic devices also help.

L: And understanding and maybe even talk it through generic shuddha guggulu 60caps mastercard weight loss pills xantrex, like why you decided to go off it discount shuddha guggulu 60caps online weight loss on wellbutrin. D: Yeah, yeah, there’s so many things that he could’ve done but he left all the talking up to me and he didn’t do anything to- L: Yeah. Despite making her non-adherence explicit in the past (“I went off my medication and I just told ‘em straight out”), Diana describes how her prescriber failed to intervene (“he didn’t get cross at me or anything”). She positions prescribers as largely indifferent to her adherence statuses by stating, “they didn’t care”. Diana could be viewed to suggest that her prescriber did not listen to her, through the statement, “He didn’t hear”, followed by acknowledgement that prescribers “can’t force” adherence, but that her prescriber “could’ve been a bit more open” to discussing non- 238 adherence. She constructs her experience of prescribers failing to act on knowledge of non-adherence as typical (“every time I come off the medication, they wouldn’t do anything about it”). She also suggests that her prescriber had the resources to respond to her non-adherence helpfully (“there’s so many things that he could’ve done”), including by discussing “changing” medications. Below, Rachel and Diana talk about social worker and prescribers’ inaction in relation to their mental health and adherence: Rachel, 25/02/2009 R: They [social workers] need to interact with their clients a bit more, you know. Try and find out how their clients are going on a regular basis, not leave it to the point where the clients need hospitalization before they get involved with their clients. Diana, 11/02/2009 D: It wasn’t until I got really bad that they [mental health staff] actually decided to do something about it and when he decided to do something about it, it was that I was to go to the hospital and take the tablets, not try to get me to take my tablets. They didn’t say to me, oh look, I think you’re struggling, you should try to get back taking your medication or we can try to change it. According to Diana, her prescriber only intervened once she relapsed (“until I got really bad”) and the intervention involved admitting her into hospital, where she was required to take medication under supervision, thus, adherence was imposed. Rachel implies that her social worker also failed to 239 intervene until she relapsed and was hospitalized (“leave it to the point where the clients need hospitalization before they get involved with their clients”). Diana highlights the lack of acknowledgement of her non- adherence, lack of encouragement to take her medication or an attempt to address non-adherence by changing medications (“They didn’t say to me, oh look, I think you’re struggling, you should try to get back taking your medication or we can try to change it. In summary, both Rachel and Diana could be seen to would have liked to have received adherence assistance sooner than they did. Indeed, failure of prescribers to intervene early to address adherence was a common experience amongst interviewees. It seems that although adherence to antipsychotic medication is a recognized problem amongst health professionals, often, little action is taken to address this issue, except in extreme cases such as relapse or suicide attempts via overdose. As with other participants, Matthew talks, below, about his experiences of other service providers (in addition to prescribers) failing to intervene, despite his attempts to seek help. Matthew positions service providers including prescribers as indifferent and also points out the potentially detrimental consequences of failure to intervene early: Matthew, 18/2/09 M: It seems like they don’t care here. I imagine you’d feel almost like you’re not being um, treated like a human being almost, wouldn’t it? L: That’s pretty bad because for some people that could be detrimental, like if they’re reaching out. M: Well some people could be overdosing, like take a whole pack of pills and are overdosing and all that comes is an ambulance, if you ring an ambulance. Matthew states that mental health service providers “don’t care” and “don’t help” and generalises his perception by suggesting that a lack of caring is reinforced through training for service providers. His reference to “hot chocolate” is in the context of his experiences of contacting a crisis intervention telephone service for people with mental health problems in the past, when acutely ill, and of being told to either take a bath or drink a hot chocolate by the service provider. Matthew elaborates later on that consumers’ circumstances could be serious (“people could be overdosing”) in which case, he constructs emergency ambulance service as the only reliable form of intervention, provided that the consumer has contacted them (“all 241 that comes is an ambulance, if you ring an ambulance”). Thus, similar to the previous extracts, Matthew indicates that it is not until consumers take extreme measures, such as “overdosing”, that they are taken seriously and can access services but even then, the prescriber is positioned as absent from the intervention (“all that comes is an ambulance”). Matthew acknowledges that when he first became sick, he had access to many services and seemed satisfied with the mental health system (“When I first got sick, there was a lot”) but noted that “as time’s gone on”, mental health services have progressively worsened to the point that it “is just out the window now”. Thus, he could be seen to imply that there is either an absence of services for consumers or that consumers are unable to easily access services that are available, with the exception of when they are first diagnosed. Indeed, another interviewee (Ryan, 26/9/08) indicated that he “initially” had a case manager following his first episode, however was told that due to heavy case loads and because he “was deemed a difficult case”, paradoxically, the service was retracted. Although Matthew does not make a direct association between poor experiences with service providers and non- adherence, his portrayal of service providers and the absence of services accessible to consumers after diagnosis could suggest that consumers may not receive assistance as required when encountering adherence problems. It may be the case that like Matthew, consumers who are non-adherent may actually want (and actively seek) help but are not receiving it, which has not previously been explored in the literature. In one of the following extracts, Bill recalls that his prescriber failed to act to modify his medication regimen when he reported serious side effects.


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