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This also applies to aminoglutethimide purchase 5 mg eldepryl with visa symptoms 9f anxiety, an inhibitor of corticosteroid synthesis by the adrenal glands buy eldepryl 5 mg mastercard medicine 2355. Hormone-sensitive tumors may regress, and frequently stop growth upon introduction of certain hormones. The main hormone-sensitive forms of cancer are breast and prostate car- cinoma, lymphoma, and a few other forms of carcinomas. Hormonal drugs that inhibit growth of certain human tumors are steroids, including andro- gens, estrogens, progestins, and corticosteroids, although only glucocorticoids are used. Moreover, neither cortisol nor cortisone are used to treat malignant tumors, but instead pred- nisone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone, and dexametasone are used. Hormonal drugs do not cure cancer, although they do exhibit pronounced palliative action, with the exception of the cytotoxic action of glucocorticoids on lymphoid cells. In particu- lar, this concerns predinsone, which is used to treat lymphomas and certain leukemias in combination therapy. However, it is presumed that androgens block cell growth by inhibiting transport of natural hormone into the cell. Moreover, androgens can inhibit estrogen synthesis, thus depleting estrogen reserves. It is highly probable that the mechanism of action is similar to the mechanism of action of androgens. Progestins can have a direct local effect on cells, and can simultaneously lower the quantity of leutenizing hormone. Corticosteroids exhibit an antitumor effect by binding with cor- ticosteroid receptors that exist in many cancerous lymphoma cells, which leads to inhibition of both glucose transport and phosphorylation, which reduces the amount of energy neces- sary for mitosis and protein synthesis, which, accordingly, leads to cell lysis. Reducing the nitro group with hydrogen over a nickel catalyst gives the desired aminoglutethimide (30. The last, in Michael addition reaction conditions, in the presence of benzyltrimethylammonia hydroxide is added to methylacrylate, and the obtained product undergoes acidic hydrolysis by a mixture of acetic and sulfuric acids, during which a cyclyzation to 2-(4-nitrophenyl)-2-ethylglutarim- ide (30. Aminoglutethimide is used for palliative treatment of prostate carcinomas and post-menopausal breast carcinomas. Tamoxifen is used for palliative treatment of breast cancer in pre- and post-menopausal women. Leuprolide is used for prostate cancer, when orchiectomy or estrogen therapy is counter- productive to the patient. In this reaction, hydroxylamine hydrochloride and a basic ion-exchange resin are used [140,141]. This drug causes a sharp increase in the amount of white blood cells in severe leukemias. It is synthesized from danthron (1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone), which when reacted with nitric acid, and then a mixture of sodium sulfide and thiosulfate in a base, is transformed to 1,4,5,8-tetrahydroxyanthraquinone (30. Reacting this with 2-amino- ethylaminoethanol in the presence of chloranyl (2,3,5,6-tetrachlorobenzoquinone-1,4) gives the desired mitoxantrone (30. It is used intravenously for treating severe nonlymphatic leukemia, breast cancer, and so on. Dacarbazine is used intravenously for Hodgkin’s disease, soft-tissue sarcoma, and metastatic melanoma. The carbomethoxy group of this molecule is hydrolyzed by sodium hydroxide, and the resulting carboxyl group is transformed into a acid chloride group, followed by a reaction of this product with isopropylamine gives 1,2-bis-(binzyloxycarbonyl)-1-methyl-2-(p-iso- propylcarbamoyl)benzylhydrazine (30. Hydrolyzis of the benzyloxycarbonyl group in the resulting compound with hydrogen bromide in acetic acid gives the desired procarbazine (30. Along with this, there is an opinion that procarbazine accumulates in cancerous tissue and generates peroxide and hydroperoxide radicals in cells, which imitates the effect of ionizing radiation. It is used for malignant tumors of lymphatic tissue, brain tumors, lung tumors, and Hodgkin’s disease. Asparaginase: Asparaginase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes L-asparagine to L-aspartic acid, which causes a depletion of reserves of L-asparagine, thus inhibiting protein and nucleic acid synthesis.

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The cyclic phase of the hair follicle is Hair Growth Enhancers 59 identified by an active growth period known as anagen order eldepryl 5 mg otc medications54583, an intermediate period known as catagen order 5mg eldepryl otc medicine abbreviations, and a resting stage known as telogen. In the anagen phase, which lasts from 2 to 8 years (2), the follicle reaches its maximum length, and there is a proliferation of the matrix cells. Anagen hair generally has a thick shaft, and in given segments its medulla is clearly visible. The bulb gradually tapers and becomes lighter in color at and beyond the keratogenous zone of the follicle. Catagen hair, in its involutional form, differs from telogen (clubbed) hair in two ways: (1) its keratinized (proximal) part is darker than that of clubbed hair; and (2) its inner and outer root sheaths are better preserved (5). Unlike the anagen phase, the catagen phase is short, lasting from 2 to 4 weeks (2). Telogen hair, or clubbed hair, is easily recognized because it generally contains a thin shaft, which is transparent near the root and devoid of a medulla and kerato- genous zone. The telogen phase also is much shorter than the anagen phase, lasting from 2 to 4 months (2). Its prevalence in any population has not been accurately studied, but it occurs much more often in Caucasians than in other races (6). Androgenetic alopecia affects approximately 50% of men over 40 years of age and may also affect just as many women (7). Morphology and Control Androgenetic alopecia appears to be autosomal dominant with gene expression apparently determined by hair follicle location (7). Expression of androgenetic alopecia can vary considerably from one person to another. In androgenetic alope- cia, genetically predisposed hair follicles become progressively miniaturized over time. In men, the thick, pigmented terminal hairs in the affected area of the scalp eventually are replaced by the fine, unpigmented vellus hairs. Women, however, rarely become completely bald but usually experience thinning charac- terized by an intermixing of the normal terminal hairs with finer vellus hairs (7). In both men and women, the hair growth cycle is altered, with fewer hairs in the anagen stage and more hairs in the telogen stage for longer periods of time (7). Although scalp hair growth is not androgen-dependent, androgens are nec- essary for the full expression of androgenetic alopecia whereby they diminish 60 Trancik the size of the hair follicle and diameter of the hair fiber, as well as shift hairs from the growing to resting state (6). The main androgen circulating in the plasma of men is testosterone, whereas the most important androgen in women is andro- stenedione. This finding may explain the different clinical presentation of androgenetic alopecia in men and women. Clinical Presentation The clinical presentation of androgenetic alopecia is different for men and women. It may occur as early as 17 years of age in normal males and by 25 to 30 years of age in endocrinologically normal females (6). There is no evidence, however, to suggest that there is an age at which the onset of the balding process is no longer initiated or a threshold age at which the progression of baldness ceases to continue (7,10). Invariably, both men and women see increased shed- ding of hair, which prompts them to seek out medical advice. In men, androgenetic alopecia is usually progressive, typically receding from the normal hairline in an M-shaped pattern with an enlarging balding vertex (6). Several classification systems have been used to characterize the balding state of men, the most popular being the Hamilton scale as modified by Norwood (Fig. Women often do not present with a distinct pattern, but rather have diffuse hair loss or thinning of the temporal and parietal areas with retention of the frontal hairline in most cases. Women may present with the typical male patterning of hair loss, with this occurring more frequently in postmenopausal women than premenopausal women (13). In both sexes, concomitant loss of hair in the tem- ple–sideburn areas and nape of neck can be observed as well as occasional in- creases in body hair. Psychological Factors of Hair Loss Hair loss can profoundly affect people and the clinical significance of androgene- tic alopecia should not be trivialized as just a cosmetic nuisance. The World Health Organization (14) in fact classified androgenetic alopecia as a disease Hair Growth Enhancers 61 Figure 1 Hamilton baldness scale as modified by Norwood. Although androgenetic alopecia is seen as a normal variant of aging by most individuals, it can have both psychological and pathological consequences and these effects are taken seriously by both the patient and physician (15,16).

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