

By D. Milok. Methodist Theological School in Ohio. 2018.

Contemporary studies of science and technology have often made the point that the production and uses of knowledge are interactive discount januvia 100 mg with amex blood sugar journals, undetermined januvia 100 mg cheap diabetes insipidus urinary incontinence, and complex processes. This must also be Without making any attempt to offer a bibliography of drug trajectories or even a selection of existing studies on drugs and regulation, we simply invite the reader to take the beneft of the references included in the individual papers of the collection. In the last two centuries, drugs have become central elements in complex health systems. It is the belated product of a long-term transformation, which began in the second half of the 19th century when the industrialization of drug making coincided both with the rising infuence of experimental sciences and laboratory practices in medicine, and the emergence of hospitals as the place where insurance-based health care accessible to the working class would be routinely provided. Although, state and professional forms of regulation can be traced back to the early 19th century, this conjunction deeply affected – diversifed – regulatory practices, setting the pace for new forms of control emphasis standards, homogeneous protocols or statistical effcacy. Our contention is also that various levels of comparison must be chosen in order to explore the relations between research, therapeutic intervention, and commercialization. Given the emphasis placed on administrative and legal tools of regulation, it is not surprising if comparisons between national settings have – up to the present - had the highest priority. The assays gathered in this preprint add to such cross-national perspective comparisons between periods, cultures, institutions, and therapeutic agents. One additional remark is that although the case studies gathered in this volume all take into account the multiplicity of actors and dispositifs constituting the 20th century regulatory systems, they do not simply stress the novelty, the importance or the benefts of such diversity but recognize the unequal abilities of actors to shape situations and to control the fate of drugs. Power gradients are at the very center of drug regulation and must be considered for their own sake. It is a general feature of the construction of economic markets that it cannot proceed without state and administrative interventions, which built the terrain upon which capital can be invested and goods traded. In the case of drug mass production, this interplay between the economical and the political may be extended to the cultural since the construction of therapeutic markets rests on local visions of diseases that do not only defne their nature but also their hierarchy. The hypothesis the various papers assembled in this collection seek to investigate is that a long 20th century beginning around 1880 has seen the emergence and the articulation of four ways of regulating. The idea of various “ways of regulating drugs” should not be understood as targeting a series of structure chronologically distributed. It is rather a heuristic model, focusing on the dynamics of social action, useful to bring some order in the multiplicity of regulatory practices mentioned above. The notion of ways of regulating seeks to bring to light the inner logic of specifc combination of practices and procedures, describing the various rationalities implicated in the management of therapeutic agents. The approach therefore link the peculiar social worlds involved in regulation, the forms of evidence and expertise they mobilized and the means of intervention they choose or establish. Like Pickstone’s ways of knowing ways of regulating are historical products: they have not existed in all eternity, they appeared at some point in history, none ever disappeared but their arrangements and articulation have been utterly variable. Ways of regulating are therefore categories or frames used in thinking about, choosing between and organizing practices that are not “given” but constructed in a given situation, each represent a “grammar of action” that operate in combination rather than in isolation. The dynamics of a peculiar form of regulation should therefore be discussed at different levels, taking into account the following questions: which values guide the regulation process? Given these entries, we make the proposal that drug regulation, in a long 20th century beginning in the 1870s, can been characterized by the gradual emergence of four ways of regulating. As previously outlined, the professional regulation of drugs originates in the 19th century corporative organization of pharmacy. In continental Europe, it evolved out of a state delegation of expertise, which granted graduated pharmacists with a monopoly over the sales and the preparation of the therapeutic agents included in the national pharmacopoeia. Such regulation was justifed as a means to avoid unnecessary competition among pharmacists as well as a means to eliminate the entry of supposedly untrained and unskilled practitioners on the market. Professional governance emanates from corporations, pharmaceutical societies and their medical counterparts, eventually supplemented with special committees of experts set up by academic journals or public health authorities. Within this confguration, the judgment about the value of specifc drugs focused on the production of pharmacological knowledge linking dosage, concentration within the body, pattern of elimination, and the balance between toxic and 10 Introduction therapeutic responses. In addition to the traditional pharmacopoeia, which defned regulatory tools include the many forms of guidelines and recommendations for practice issued by collectives of pharmacists and/or physicians. During the frst decades of the 0th century, this dynamics of professional regulation was less and less able to cope with the gradual transformation of many workshops into proper factories, with the development of industrial specialties, and with the growing competition between pharmaceutical frms and chemical corporations.

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Dendrimeric gadolinium chelate with fast water exchange and high relaxivity at high magnetic field strength. Traditional drug delivery nanosystems are coordinated with numer- ous active moieties including drugs, imaging probes, targeting moieties, antibodies, glycoproteins, peptides, receptor-binding ligands, and aptamers, etc. There- fore, studying the in vivo characteristics is very important for understanding the interaction between nanosystems and biological environments. These specific identifications can be displayed as an ampli- fied signal at localized body sites, presenting the functional status of target diseases. Bioimaging Technology in Drug Delivery Systems and Molecular Imaging Nanotechnology offers many advantages to drug delivery systems and the molec- ular imaging field as well as has the potential to literally revolutionalize both of these fields. In terms of drug delivery systems, liposomes, micelles, dendrimers, and metal colloidals (diameters less than 100 nm) have been extensively studied to enhance the efficacy of therapeutic agents (4–8). Owing to their small size and excel- lent biocompatibility, nanosized drug carriers can circulate in the bloodstream for a long period of time, enabling them to reach a target site and effectively deliver thera- peutic agents, all the while minimizing the inefficiency and side effects of free drugs. In addition, nanosystem-based imaging probes (nanoprobes) have yielded new strategies for designing imaging probes that efficiently detect target biomolecules or diagnose diseases. These nanoprobes have large surface areas (ideal for efficient modification with a wide range of imaging moieties), prolonged plasma half-life, enhanced stability, improved targeting, and reduced nonspecific binding, etc. In vitro physicochemical properties such as a particle’s size, surface chemistry, and surface charge are generally characterized by traditional techniques (electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, energy dispersive X-ray, zeta potential, etc. The physicochemical properties affecting a nanoparticle’s behavior in a biological system might, in part, determine the biodistribution, safety, targeting efficacy, and multifunctional efficacy in drug delivery systems and molecular imaging. The in vitro physicochemical properties of nanosystems, however, do not always reflect their in vivo behaviors, because these properties are probably dependent on envi- ronmental conditions and must therefore be assayed not only in vitro but also under in vivo conditions. Unfortunately, to date, only limited information is available on the interaction between nanosystems and biological environments. The optimum physicochemical characteristics of drug carriers and imaging probes that can effi- ciently deliver and image target biological molecules have not been fully charac- terized. Despite the benefits that nanosystems have contributed to medicine, some applications remain to be improved, for example, specific targeting to the acting site, efficient drug delivery inside the target cells or tissues, and early-stage diag- nosis, etc. Therefore, well-established methodologies for the in vivo characteriza- tion of nanosystems are urgently required for improving drug delivery systems and molecular imaging. An effective approach for achieving efficient drug deliv- ery and molecular imaging would be to rationally develop nanosystems based on the understanding of their interactions with the biological environment and molec- ular mechanisms in vivo. Furthermore, underlying mechanisms need to be under- stood in order to enhance the efficacy of the encapsulated therapeutic agents, with respect to the targeting of biomolecules, target tissue uptake, real-time trafficking, and accumulation. Imaging probe–labeled nanosystems can be monitored in real-time and visualized in a noninvasive way, allowing for clinical uses in animals and humans. Also, in vivo experimental uncertainties aris- ing from inter-animal variations are greatly reduced, because each animal serves as its own “control” for consecutive analyses at the same condition. With the help of bioimaging technique, consecutive bioimaging experiments can need fewer ani- mals wherein the same animal is repetitively and reproducibly assayed without any sacrifice time point experiment. The fundamental barriers to the optical imaging of Application of Near Infrared Fluorescence Bioimaging in Nanosystems 369 tissues are light scattering, autofluorescence, and absorption by tissues in the mid- visible range (14).


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