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Hungry men have produced intellectual and artistic output of a high order order provigil 100mg visa sleep aids prescription, and have been responsible for extraordinary military feats purchase 100 mg provigil overnight delivery insomnia tv. Men have undergone prolonged fasts without significant impairment of their highest faculties. And, so far as dangerous situations are concerned, there are some who are stimulated or even exhilarated by them, and many others who act as if they do not regard them as dangerous at all. Thus, hunger, pain, signals of danger, and similar forms of sensory input cannot be shown to be necessarily toxic to the human brain, for, under the right circumstances, any individual apparently can -34- tolerate them indefinitely. The weight of evidence is that it is not the sensory input itself, but the reaction of the individual to this input which may adversely affect his brain function. This is not so with isolation, sleep deprivation, and fatigue, where the effects are intrinsically adverse, and the reaction of the individual is a factor only in determining how long these effects can be withstood. With hunger, pain, and signals of danger, the adverse effects on brain function may be entirely the result of the reaction of the individual. Activities of the brain, initiated in response to incoming information, lead to an impairment of brain function. This special vulnerability of the brain to its own activities, long suggested by clinical observation, has recently received experimental support (24, 25). Hunger The syndrome commonly associated with the reaction to hunger is slow in developing, but it can be expected to occur in the majority of those who are exposed to prolonged hunger from any cause (18, 67). It has been seen among starved populations (1), among inmates of concentration camps (54, 70), and among prisoners of war (47, 61, 67, 104), and has been reproduced experimentally (18, 67, 82). This and other rigors of the prison camp experience were probably responsible for a good deal of the symptomatology that occurred among American prisoners in Korea (79, 105, 113). People deprived of food very soon develop a persistent hunger, which does not leave them until death approaches or nutrition is restored (18, 21, 54, 67). Accompanying this hunger there is a constant preoccupation with food, which may encompass the greater part of waking thoughts and activity (18, 54, 67). As starvation progresses, the niceties of dress and behavior are neglected, and if the lack of food carries with it a threat of death, behavior may cease to be governed by the restraints of "honesty," "unselfishness," "pride," and "honor," which are active under normal circumstances; in short, the very highest integrative functions drop away (18, 54, 67). During the earlier stages of hunger, irritability and emotional lability are the rule, but later profound and continuing apathy occurs (18, 19, 54, 61, 67, 104). In the most advanced stages of inanition, defects of memory, confusion, hallucinations, delusions, and intellectual deficits become evident (1, 54, 67). Advanced inanition is associated with major changes in the physical state of the individual. Although it is quite possible that this state is directly responsible for the derangement in brain function which takes place, the disturbances of behavior and of mood which occur during the -35- early part of starvation are present long before any significant derangement of the internal milieu can be demonstrated (18, 19, 67). In starved communities, in concentration camps, and in experimental situations, some people endure hunger for a long time, and maintain their highest level functions with very little evidence of disorganization until the effects of illness or lack of food supervene (1, 18, 19, 54, 67, 70). Such people, although they do feel hunger and are aware of it, are able to engage in thought and behavior other than that centering around a preoccupation with food; their symptoms are less outstanding and their behavior is more "normal. Pain The investigation of pain has been especially enlightening in this regard, because many careful laboratory studies have defined the difference between the "sensation of pain" and the "reaction to pain" (3, 50, 52, 110, 132, 133). The sensation of pain seems to be roughly equal in all men, that is to say, all people have approximately the same threshold at which they begin to feel pain, and when carefully graded stimuli are applied to them, their estimates of severity are approximately the same (6, 28, 48, 50, 51, 71, 85). In general, the reaction to pain is in proportion to its severity, and the most intense pains incapacitate men for any sort of complex function during the period of their duration. Yet exception must be taken even to this statement, for when men are very highly motivated, as they may be when their own lives or the lives of others are at stake, they have been known to carry out rather complex tasks while enduring the most intense pain. The variability of human reactions to the moderately severe grades of pain, such as those found in various diseases, is notorious. Some people perform quite effectively over many years while experiencing the pains of chronic headache, peptic ulcer, arthritis, or similar conditions; others with like amounts of pain are severely incapacitated (3, 6, 7, 8, 28, 48, 50, 63, 69, 78, 93, 94, 103, 112, 125, 132, 133). It is characterized by withdrawal from the more complex and responsible functions of life, a certain amount of irritability -36- and emotional lability, and concentration upon personal comfort and survival at the expense of the needs of others and of the society. Under experimental circumstances, those who try to "carry on" while experiencing moderate pain show impairment of their performance on complex tasks, impairment of decision making, loss of efficiency, and difficulty in estimating time (8) — symptoms which would be expected to occur in the early stages of the “brain syndrome” and much like those of people who have suffered the destruction of a small segment of their cerebral hemispheres (24, 25). It is possible that the differences in the way that various people react to pain may be partly determined by their constitutions, for it sometimes appears to the clinical observer that people of “mesomorphic” build, the heavily muscled and big-boned individuals, are those who react to pain with stoicism or with anger and a mobilization for action that temporarily enhances their performance; whereas the lighter and asthenic “ectomorph” often reacts to pain with withdrawal, incapacitation, self- concern, and anxiety. Yet the exceptions to this are many, and the variations in the reaction of the same person from time to time are great. In general, it appears that whatever may be the role of the constitutional endowment in determining the reaction to pain, it is a much less important determinant than is the attitude of the man who experiences the pain (3, 6, 7, 48, 50, 52, 69, 94, 110, 112, 125, 132, 133).

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Drug diffusion rates correlate with their lipid/water diffusion coefficients and are inversely related to their molecular size (Section 1 100mg provigil otc sleep aid xanax. However buy provigil 200mg without a prescription insomnia hallucinations, these general observations do not take into account the cyclical changes in the vaginal epithelium, which exert profound effects on vaginal absorption, especially for hydrophilic compounds. The permeability coefficient for the vaginal membrane (P ) is equal to the sum of the permeability coefficientm through the lipid pathway (P ) and the pore pathway (P ):l p P =P +Pm l p For lipophilic drugs, the contribution of the pore pathway to transport is negligible and drug absorption occurs transcellularly, via passive diffusion through the epithelial cells. For example, it has been shown that increasing the chain length (increasing the lipophilicity) of aliphatic alcohols and carboxylic acids results in an increased rate of vaginal absorption. In contrast, for hydrophilic drugs, the pore pathway constitutes the major absorption pathway and this pathway is influenced by the physiological changes in the thickness of the vaginal epithelium and also in the number of intercellular pores and aqueous channels. As described earlier, in rodents, during proestrus and estrus, the epithelium is thick, tightly cohesive and contains a large number of intercellular junctions. However, the metestrous and diestrous phases are characterized by a thinning of the epithelium and a pore- like widening of the intercellular channels. As the vaginal epithelial membrane barrier becomes thin, loose and porous, the permeability is enhanced, particularly to hydrophilic substances. Thus even high molecular 280 weight hydrophilic drugs can be absorbed by the intercellular route during the metestrous and diestrous phases. Several examples of this phenomena are described below: Salicylic acid Vaginal absorption of salicylic acid in different pH buffers has been investigated in rats during proestrus and diestrus. For the unionized, lipophilic form of the drug, the rate of vaginal absorption is rapid and similar for both stages. The unionized, lipophilic form is absorbed via transcellular passive diffusion and thus not affected by the stage of the estrous cycle. However, for the ionized, water-soluble form, a significant difference in the degree of absorption is observed: • proestrus (tight epithelium)=29% absorbed; • diestrus (porous epithelium)=66% absorbed. The hydrophilic form is absorbed mainly through pore-like pathways such as the intercellular channels and thus is highly dependent on the stage of the cycle, with greater absorption occuring when the interceullular channels are wide and porous. The percentage of the dose of phenol red excreted in the urine increased more than an order of magnitude from the proestrous phase (2. Leuprorelin showed similar enhanced absorption during the permeable phase of the estrous cycle (Figure 11. Penicillin In humans high blood levels of penicillin, sufficient to be therapeutic, were demonstrated following insertion of a vaginal suppository near the end of the menstrual cycle and during menopause. In contrast, absorption was shown to be somewhat diminished during estrus and late pregnancy. Vidaribine The permeability coefficients of the hydrophilic antiviral compound vidaribine are 5 to 100 times higher during early diestrus or diestrus than during estrus. These results confirm that the cyclic changes in the reproductive system have profound implications for vaginal drug delivery as: • the vaginal permeability to hydrophilic substances is enhanced during the metestrous and diestrous stages of the estrous cycle, corresponding to the late luteal and early follicular phases of the menstrual cycle; • large fluctuations in absorption occur, depending on the particular stage of the menstrual cycle. Although it is well known that carrier-mediated transport systems exist for di- and tripeptides in the intestine, there is still no evidence for carrier-mediated transport of peptides across the vaginal mucosa, although prostaglandins have been demonstrated to utilize such a mechanism. Although there must be some type of endocytic transport of endogenous peptides into the epithelial cells in order to regulate proliferation, no receptor-mediated or bulk-fluid mechanisms have been reported. Hydrophilic compounds may be absorbed via the paracellular route, moving between the epithelial cells via passive diffusion whereas lipid soluble drugs are usually absorbed transcellularly, at rates which correlate with their lipid/water diffusion coefficients. However, in the vagina these factors must be considered in conjunction with the cyclical changes in the vaginal epithelium. Thus hydrophilic compounds show enhanced absorption during metestrus and diestrus, when the vaginal barrier becomes thin, loose and porous. In addition to physicochemical properties of the drug such as size, pKa, chemical stability etc. Furthermore, peptides and proteins are susceptible to self-association, aggregation or polymerization in the medium due to changes in pH, ionic strength of the medium, or concentration of the substance. It is anticipated that the monomer, oligomer, or aggregated complex may each have a characteristic diffusion and permeation coefficient. Further physicochemical factors associated with the drug which influence vaginal drug delivery include the solubility and stability of the drug in the vaginal fluids. Poorly soluble drugs may demonstrate rate- limiting dissolution in the vaginal fluids. For example, the vaginal absorption of metronidazole is limited not only by the drug permeability across the vaginal epithelium, but also by its dissolution into the small volume of fluid within the vaginal cavity. Such formulations are administered with the aid of an appropriate applicator into the vagina and have different characteristics with respect to ease of administration, drug release profile, sanitary aspects etc.


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