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The results of their thinking are available here for anyone to use purchase 25 mg coreg free shipping blood pressure kits for nurses, including the unscrupulous cheap coreg 25 mg fast delivery blood pressure 6 year old. The alternative is to confer on the would-be manipulator a monopoly of knowledge by default. His success, as the various chapters of this book illustrate, depends heavily on the ignorance of his victims. Skinner (58) has argued that those who are most concerned with restricting the vulnerability of men to control by others have the most to gain from a clear understanding of the techniques employed (pages 320-322). Much concern of recent years regard- -9- ing behavior control, as has been discussed, has centered on connotations that have come to be conveyed by the term "brainwashing. Certainly, Communist practitioners of "thought-reform" visualize the creation of a "new man" as their objective. People of Western nations, frightened and puzzled by these Communist practices, have also felt that the behavior displayed by many victims of such efforts could be explained only in terms of some very basic changes within the individual. The difficulties confronting attempts to examine such complex issues scientifically argue in favor of dealing first with simpler and more objective forms of behavioral influence. In the "brainwashing" model, we have a basically nonrational attempt to effect nonrational changes of subjective states. They demand that the victim be "honest, sincere, and full" in his "self-examination, repentance, and change" (27). It is difficult to find objective indicators of the extent to which a "thought-reformer" has achieved "honesty and sincerity," and particularly difficult when given the special ideological meanings such terms have for the practitioners of "thought-reform. There is no question that it is possible for men to alter, impair, or even to destroy the effective psychological functioning of others over whom they exercise power. The concepts influence, control, and manipulation denote a certain kind of alteration: the consummation of a purpose of the influencer in the behavior of the influenced. If we wish to examine scientifically questions denoted by the terms influence, control, or manipulation, we must be able to observe objectively and to define in precise terms both the effects sought and those obtained. A focus on the elicitation of guarded factual information simplifies the analytical problem considerably by posing a model that involves such objectively specifiable purposes and effects. As in most social science interviewing, the content of this type of reporting depends on such factors as the subjective state and the personal and cultural frames of reference of the reporter. Considerable simplification is achieved by avoiding the complex problems of interviewing, which involve influencing persons to report psychological and social information accurately, and the infinitely more complex question of what constitutes accurate information on such topics. There are various motivations or values which may underlie the resistance of a source to an interrogation attempt. The interest here is in any method through which these bases of resistance may be changed, outweighed, neutralized, or circumvented so that the person comes to behave in a manner he was originally strongly motivated to avoid. The particular form of behavior toward which attention is directed, the imparting of factual information, has various peculiarities. Few experiments, however, have dealt directly with attempts to elicit precisely this form of behavior. The attention of the contributors was broadened of necessity to exploit the relevance of experiments studying interpersonal influence on other forms of behavior. This book does not pretend to examine the processes by which fundamental and lasting alterations of the value system of a subject come about. Nonetheless, in the review of experimentation on interpersonal influence (Chapter 6), it was imperative to consider knowledge developed through experiments that involved theoretical concepts such as "changes in attitude or belief. When a determination is made that later behavior negates some value strongly affirmed earlier in the experiment, or the reverse, the experiment accords sufficiently with the questions being posed here. Although the kind of influence attempt considered here represents a considerably simpler problem than the attitude changes or even attitude reporting used here for some inferences, it nonetheless involves the production and observation of complex, symbolic, learned human behavior. Thus, evidence regarding the manipulations that are possible of the salivary response or other simple responses of either animals or humans would not provide answers to the questions raised by this review. Emphasis has been placed on detailing the scientific implications of both the general and the specific subject matters, and their value for theory and research. The number of relevant questions left unanswered by the study points to the need for further investigation of the problem under consideration. The contributors represent a variety of scientific fields, and their material either separately or in the aggregate will undoubtedly hold interest for specialists in still other fields. The writing style here is akin to the broader style of papers designed for presentation at meetings of representatives from several different scientific disciplines.

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Serum level monitoring of procainamide is recommended because of variability in reported pharmacokinetic parameters by various investigators order coreg 12.5 mg on line hypertension 2. Liver dysfunc- tion may necessitate dosage alterations of lidocaine buy coreg 6.25mg otc blood pressure medication starting with c, mexiletine, disopyramide, tocainide, and flecainide. Dramatic dose reduction of propafenone by 50 to 80% is recommended in cirrhosis because of increased bioavailability, prolonged half-life, and increased plasma levels. Additionally, propranolol has also been reported to reduce lidocaine clearance by 40 to 50%. Applications in Pediatric Practice 27 isradipine, nimodipine, and nicardipine are examples of drugs in this class affected by liver disease. Drug elimination may be dramatically altered in the presence of severe renal dys- function and during supportive renal replacement therapies. Although dosing guidelines may have been developed from studies in adults, pediatric-specific dosing adjustment data are generally unavailable. In these situations, dosage adjustments must be extrapolated from adult pharmacokinetic studies and patient-specific estimates of creatinine clearance using age-appropriate formulas. Changes in Vd may also be present because of fluctuations in body water, muscle mass, and adipose tissue. Renal metabolism can be significant, because renal tissue contains 15% of the metabolic activity of the liver and is involved in metabolism of acetaminophen, imipenem, insulin, isoproterenol, morphine, vasopressin, and other drugs. Also important is the role of delayed renal clearance of drug metabolites with pharmacological activity, such as allopurinol, cefotaxime, meperidine, midazolam, morphine, and propranolol. Schmitt influences of equipment (filter properties) and technique (blood flow, dialysate flow, and ultrafiltration rates). In patients receiving therapy with intermittent hemodialysis, estimation of residual renal function is important to avoid underestimation of dosing requirements. Pediatric-specific dosing guidelines should be used as a basis for estimating supplemental doses for drugs removed via hemodialysis. Careful monitoring of serum electrolytes, especially potassium, and renal function is required. Other antihyper- tensive agents and/or active metabolites, such as methyldopa, reserpine, and prazosin, may also accumulate in renal disease. Digoxin dem- onstrates altered Vd (approximately 50% of normal) and both the loading dose and maintenance dose should be reduced with decreased renal clearance. Procainamide and its active metabolite n-acetyl-procainamide will accumulate to toxic concentrations in the presence of renal disease, necessitating dos- age adjustment and close monitoring of serum concentrations of both antiarrhythmic agents. Total hepatic blood flow is reduced proportional to cardiac output, with significant effects on high-extraction drugs, such as lidocaine. As in liver disease, liver function test values are not indicative of altered drug metabolism and, thus, do not aid in dosing adjustments. Close moni- toring of serum levels of quinidine is recommended, because lower doses may be required because of reduced plasma clearance and higher serum concentrations. Dosage reduc- tion by 40 to 50% has been advocated, with close monitoring of serum levels. Additionally, use of vasoactive drug infusions may also affect drug absorp- tion profiles indirectly through perfusion changes. Use of enteral feedings may result in altered absorption of drugs, as demonstrated for phenytoin, quinolones, and fluconazole. Changes in body fluid concentrations and shifts can more dramatically affect those drugs that demonstrate distribution through total body water, such as aminoglycosides, with expanded Vd values in fluid overload or “third spacing” of fluids (e. Other drugs affected by protein-binding changes include fentanyl, nicardipine, verapamil, milrinone, and propofol. Metabolism Sepsis, hemorrhage, mechanical ventilation, and acute heart failure may affect drug metabolism through effects on hepatic blood flow and impact 30 D. Additionally, drugs such as vasopressin and α-agonists may detrimentally affect hepatic blood flow during critical care support. Delayed renal clearance with resulting risk of toxicity necessitates careful assessment of renal function and resulting dosage adjustments using the many sources of dosing guidelines available from manufacturers, scientific literature, and drug dosing tables, as discussed above. Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenomics is the study of inherited variation in drug disposition and response, and focuses on genetic polymorphisms.

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Hydroxyurea has also been prepared by converting a quaternary ammonium anion exchange resin from the chloride form to the cyanate form with sodium cyanate and reacting the resin in the cyanate form with hydroxylamine hydrochloride (Graham purchase coreg 6.25mg fast delivery pulmonary hypertension 70 mmhg, 1955) order 25 mg coreg with visa lidocaine arrhythmia. Hydroxyurea was initially synthesized over 120 years ago, but its potential biological significance was not recognized until 1928. In the late 1950s, the drug was evaluated in a large number of experimental murine tumour systems and shown to be active against a broad spectrum of tumours. Phase I trials with hydroxyurea began in 1960 and by the late 1960s it was in clinical use (Donehower, 1992). Hydroxyurea has been used, or investigated for use, in the treatment of a number of diseases. The efficacy of hydroxyurea in sickle-cell disease is well validated, but its use appears to be limited to patients with frequent crises and hospita- lizations. The doses used in patients with sickle-cell anaemia are 25 mg/kg bw per day in children (Ferster et al. The risks and benefits of hydroxyurea in haematological disease are debated and have been reviewed (Donehower, 1992). It is used most commonly in chronic myeloid leukaemia to prevent or delay the onset of blast crises, and complete responses have been seen occasionally (Tanaka et al. Several case series and randomized trials have shown dramatic results with the combination (Biron et al. Trials in which didanosine and hydroxyurea were given in combination with other agents (Lisziewicz et al. The doses of hydroxyurea used in com- bination with didanosine are 500–1000 mg/day (Montaner et al. Other malig- nancies in which use of hydroxyurea as an adjunct has been studied (Wadler et al. Studies of Cancer in Humans The carcinogenic potential of hydroxyurea has been studied in patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders, which include chronic myeloid leukaemia, ideopathic myelofibrosis, polycythaemia vera and essential thrombocythaemia. An assessment of the carcinogenicity of this agent is hampered by an inherent tendency of chronic myeloproliferative disorders to undergo spontaneous transformation to myelo- dysplastic syndrome or acute leukaemia. Thus, among 431 patients with polycythaemia vera who were randomized to one of three treatment arms, phlebotomy (n = 134), chlorambucil (n = 141) or radioactive phosphorus (n = 156), patients in the phlebotomy arm were found to have a cumulative risk for acute leukaemia after 11–18 years of follow-up of 1. Although hydroxyurea is used in the treatment of sickle-cell anaemia and of psoriasis, these conditions are not suspected to predispose to cancer. The skin carcinomas were typically seen in sun-exposed areas and had been preceded by other degenerative cutaneous manifestations. Nineteen of the patients had previously been treated with other myelosuppressive drugs. The mean daily dose of hydroxyurea was 720 mg, and the duration of therapy ranged from three months to 18 years (mean, 5. During this time, two (2%) cases of leukaemia were observed: one chronic neutrophilic leukaemia after nine months of treatment and one acute myeloid leukaemia after five years. The authors noted that the chronic neutrophilic leukaemia might have been present before the date of recruitment. Three out of 51 patients with no prior myelosuppressive therapy developed acute leukaemia after 1. Of these, 18 had been treated with hydroxyurea at doses ranging from 500 mg every other day for nine months to 1000 mg daily for seven years. Four cases of acute leukaemia were seen among 10 of the patients who had received hydroxyurea in combination with other myelosuppressive treatment including radioactive phosphorus and one case among eight patients who had received hydroxyurea alone (relative risk = 3. The most recent report includes 292 patients with polycythaemia vera diagnosed after 1980 when the patients were aged 0–64 years. The patients were treated with either hydroxyurea (n = 150) at a daily dose of 25 mg/kg bw followed by a maintenance dose of 10–15 mg/kg bw, or pipobroman [1,4-bis(3-bromopropionyl)piperazine] (n = 142). The patients were followed for 1–17 years, during which time nine cases of acute myeloid leukaemia and four cases of myelodysplastic syndrome were observed. Four cases of non-melanoma skin cancer were seen in patients given hydroxyurea only and one in a patient given pipobroman only, while six cancers at sites other than the bone marrow and non-melanoma skin were seen in six patients given hydroxyurea and five given pipobroman. These frequencies of extracutaneous solid tumours were only slightly greater than those expected for this age group. In a complementary trial covering the period 1979–96, Najean and Rain (1997b) recruited 461 patients with polycythaemia vera who were over 65 years of age and had not previously been treated with chemotherapeutic agents. They were then randomized to receive either maintenance treatment with low-dose hydroxyurea (5–10 mg/kg bw per day) (n = 219) or simple surveillance (n = 242).

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