

By V. Rozhov. Mitchell College. 2018.

It is important to keep in mind that molecules have considerable flexibility and thus purchase plavix 75mg fast delivery heart attack calculator, depending on the medium order plavix 75 mg fast delivery blood pressure ranges american heart association, may adopt a variety of different conformations. When assessing chirality, a time- averaged structure is considered and for routine compounds, one should refer to the most symmetric possible conformation. When the optical rotation for an enantiomer is too low for practical measurement, it is said to exhibit cryptochirality. The resulting benzyl-α-d alcohol exists as two distinct enantiomers, which can be assigned by the usual stereochemical naming conventions. However, enantiomers behave differently in the presence of other chiral molecules or objects. For example, enantiomers do not migrate identically on chiral chromatographic media, such as quartz or standard media that have been chirally modified. Each enantiomer will rotate the light in a different sense, clockwise or counterclockwise. Chacteristically, different enantiomers of chiral compounds often taste and smell differently and have different effects as drugs – see below. In biology Many biologically active molecules are chiral, including the naturally occurring amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), and sugars. In biological systems, most of these compounds are of the same chirality: most amino acids are L and sugars are D. Typical naturally occurring proteins, made of L amino acids, are known as left-handed proteins, whereas D amino acids produce right-handed proteins. However, there is some suggestion that early amino acids could have formed in comet dust. In this case, circularly polarised radiation (which makes up 17% of stellar radiation) could have caused the selective destruction of one chirality of amino acids, leading [11] to a selection bias which ultimately resulted in all life on Earth being homochiral. Enzymes, which are chiral, often distinguish between the two enantiomers of a chiral substrate. If this glove is right-handed, then one enantiomer will fit inside and be bound, whereas the other enantiomer will have a poor fit and is unlikely to bind. D-form amino acids tend to taste sweet, this enhances the sweet effect of dextrose. Whereas L-forms are usually tasteless, or in the case of fructose less sweet in flavor but more dynmaic in variation. Spearmint leaves and caraway seeds, respectively, contain L-carvone and D- carvone - enantiomers of carvone. These smell different to most people because our olfactory receptors also contain chiral molecules that behave differently in the presence of different enantiomers. Chirality is important in context of ordered phases as well, for example the addition of a small amount of an optically active molecule to a nematic phase (a phase that has long range orientational order of molecules) transforms that phase to a chiral nematic phase (or cholesteric phase). Chirality in context of such phases in polymeric fluids has also been [12] studied in this context. In this case, the Ru atom may be regarded as a stereogenic center, with the complex having 2+ point chirality. Resolved hexol is significant as being the first compound devoid of carbon to display optical activity. Chirality of amines Tertiary amines (see image) are chiral in a way similar to carbon compounds: The nitrogen atom bears four distinct substituents counting the lone pair. However, the energy barrier for the inversion of the stereocenter is, in general, about 30 kJ/mol, which means that the two stereoisomers are rapidly interconverted at room temperature. The molecular formula is identical, but the orientation of two chemical groups is different, as they are mirror images of each other. The two isomers can be distinguished by shining a beam of polarised light on the compounds and measuring rotation with a polarimeter. One optical isomer will rotate the plane of polarised light to the right and the other optical isomer will rotate it to the left. All naturally occurring sugars are right handed (for example dextrose which is D-glucose) and all naturally occurring amino acids are left handed (for example L-phenylalanine). Why life has evolved to favour just one isomer of each of these is a mystery, but the enzymes responsible for metabolising these nutrients can only recognise the naturally occurring form of each. Other examples of optical isomers which we can distinguish between are found in the plant hydrocarbons carvone and limonene. R-carvone however smells like spearmint and is the principle constituent of spearmint oil.

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Also buy 75mg plavix blood pressure 70 over 50, since they act only on the inactivated channel purchase 75mg plavix visa arteria iliaca interna, they will not affect normal neuronal function, which is why in the experimental study, the first action potential remains unaltered. Neither compound is of any value against absence seizures and may exacerbate them. Experimentally it has no effect on the voltage-gated sodium channels affected by phenytoin but has been reported to suppress the transient T-type calcium currents in the thalamic neurons which are the origin of the 2±3 Hz spike and wave discharge characteristic of this form of epilepsy (see Mody 1998 for detail). Since these discharges are thought to arise from oscillations in excitability induced by changes in the T-type calcium current (see section above on the origin of absence seizures), this would obviously be a neat explanation of its efficacy in that condition. Unfortunately some workers have not been able to repeat this finding at clinically equivalent concentrations and consider ethosuximide to reduce a special persistent Na‡ channel and a Ca2‡-activated K‡ channel. Note that while the structures of phenytoin and ethosuximide are similar and also close to that of phenobarbitone, they are effective in different forms of epilepsy. Phenobarbitone may be as effective as phenytoin and carbamazepine in partial and generalised tonic±clonic seizures but its other central effects such as sedation, depression, listlessness and cognitive impairment mar its usefulness. Clonazepam, a typical 1:4 benzodiazepine, is effective in absence seizures, myoclonic jerks and tonic±clonic seizures and given intravenously it attenuates status epilepticus. Each column shows the response of a spinal cord neuron in culture to four increasing directly applied current pulses (amplitude in nA given at start of each sweep. Thus they do not affect the initial response but stop neurons from maintaining the abnormal sustained discharge that would be characteristic of epileptic activity. Resting membrane potentials (Em) are shown at the bottom of each column and amplitude (mV) and time (ms) at the bottom right with phenobarbitone, can precipitate seizures. Although still used in refractory myo- clonic epilepsy, when its depressant effect on the spinal cord may be significant, clonazepam, like phenobarbitone, is rarely used now, but the more recently introduced 1:5 benzodiazepine clobazam is quite often used as an adjunct (not in the United States). While there is some belief and evidence that clonazepam and clobazam are more effective than other benzodiazepines as anticonvulsants nothing is known specifically about their modes of action that supports this view. This is achieved, however, over a slower time-course than its anti-seizure effect, especially experimentally, which is now thought to be due to its phenytoin-like, use-dependent block of sodium channels. A programme of synthetic chemistry to manipulate the structure of the anti-folate compound pyri- methium to try to replace that property with anticonvulsant activity resulted in the synthesis of lamotrigine. It now appears that its primary effect is prolonging the inactivation of sodium channels in a use-dependent manner much like phenytoin, although in a recent study of intra- cellularly recorded activity of striatal neurons in the rat corticostriatal slice preparation some differences emerged. A worrying intramyelinic oedema in rat nerves has fortunately not been seen in humans or primates. Attaching nipecotic acid to a lipophilic component to increase brain penetration resulted in tiagabine. It does not appear to affect sodium or calcium channels even though experimentally chronic dosing blocks repetitive neuronal firing. Specific binding sites have been shown for it on neuronal membranes which appear to be a leucine transporter, but their significance is not clear. At the time of writing, we could include felbamate, zonisamide oxcarbazepine and topiramate. It may then be possible to target them specifically and avoid widespread depression. Lamotrigine does reduce the release of glutamate but this may be secondary to the blockade of sodium channels. Whether one drug with one mechanism of action will ever be adequate in the therapy of epilepsy is uncertain. Even drugs which apparently have a similar mechanism of action on sodium channels, such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid and lamotrigine have different uses as only the latter two are effective in absence seizures. By contrast, phenobarbitone is one of the most potent inducers of the microsomal enzyme system (cytochrone P450) responsible for the metabolism of drugs. Phenytoin and carbamazepine have a similar but less marked effect while valproate inhibits the system. The reason is that the older ones have limited efficacy and not-inconsiderable toxicity.

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Topical tretinoin (all-trans-retinoic acid) buy generic plavix 75mg line arrhythmia and stroke, used for the past two decades as antiacne therapy buy generic plavix 75 mg online hypertension 150 100, has also been found effective in the treatment of photoaging. Its role in photoaging was first described and subsequently popularized by Klig- man (23). He observed that women treated with tretinoin described smoother skin with less wrinkles. This clinical observation prompted him to perform clini- cal trials comparing the effects of tretinoin on photoaging to an inert cream. Punch biopsy specimens, taken before and after treatment, were examined using light and elec- tron microscopy. The studies demonstrated significant beneficial effects on photodamaged skin, including reversal of epidermal atropy, dysplasia, and atypia, eradication of microscopic actinic keratoses, uniform dispersion of mela- nin granules, new collagen formation in the papillary dermis, and angiogenesis (8). Kligman reinforced this work with animal studies using the photodamaged hairless mouse model (23). Volunteers in the tretinoin-treated group showed significant reduction in lentigi- nes, epidermal thickening, compaction of the stratum corneum with presence of glycosaminoglycan-like substance, increased mitoses in keratinocytes, and in- creased number 3 of anchoring fibrils at the dermoepidermal junction. Ellis and Weiss (9) then extended the tretinoin therapy in an open-label trial, utilizing the same subjects for up to 22 months, indicating that clinical improvement was sustained during long-term tretinoin therapy. They found that 71% of discrete lentigines had disappeared after this prolonged period. Further, the problems of dryness, erythema, and flaking of the skin associated with retinoid use had Topical Retinoids 117 diminished or declined after the 22-month period, with maintenance of clinical benefit. The findings in these earlier studies have now been reinforced by a solid background of formal clinical trials (25–27). The epidermal effects include epidermal thin- ning, reduction in corneocyte adhesion, decreased melanin production, and in- creased Langerhans cells. The dermal effects include increased collagen produc- tion, increased angiogenesis, and decreased collagenase and glycosaminoglycans (24). Having more than proved its efficacy in the reversal of photoaging, the logical question is: Can retinoid therapy also improve intrinsically aged skin? Retinoic acid stimulated growth of keratinocytes and fibroblasts and stimulated extracellular matrix production by fibroblasts. Adult skin from sun- exposed and sun-protected sites responded equally well, whereas neonatal skin responded minimally. The implications are that retinoids may be able to repair intrinsically aged skin as well as photoaged skin, and that retinoids may modulate skin cell function in a manner that is age-related, not simply a response to photo- damage. Fetal malformations, spontaneous abortions, hyperlipidemia (particularly elevated triglycerides), bone abnormalities, skin and mucosal dryness, retinoid dermatitis, pruritus, hair loss, pseudotumor cerebri, arthralgias, myalgias, and abnormal liver function tests (increased liver transami- nases and alkaline phosphatase) are among the myriad potential adverse effects of retinoid therapy (29). Most of the above effects are reversible upon discontinu- ation of the retinoid, although some serious effects, such as fetal malformations and bone abnormalities, are not. We do not have sufficient case population data to be certain of cause and effect and no true double-blind studies exist. The details of this mechanism are beyond the scope of this chapter and the reader is directed toward a recent review for elucidation (30). Topical application has the benefit of a significantly better adverse effect profile. The most common sequelae are mucocutaneous effects, characterized by skin and mucosal dryness (xerosis, cheilitis, conjunctivitis), desquamation, erythema, and pruritus. These effects typically start after several days of therapy, peak within the first few weeks, then wane as tolerance develops (31). They are easily treatable—frequent application of emollients and other precautionary measures (such as avoidance of harsh soaps, astringents, abrasives, and excessive bathing) will ameliorate the situation. The mucocutaneous effects are dose depen- dent and reversible upon discontinuation of the retinoid. Teratogenicity, well documented as the most serious side effect of oral retinoids (32), is logically the potential concern with topical retinoids. With oral retinoids, most aromatic retinoids cross the placenta; in utero exposure results in limb and craniofacial deformities, as well as cardiovascular and central nervous system abnormalities. Systemic absorption of topical retinoids, however, is thought to be negligible (33).

Appendix A summarizes the basic concepts in mechanics quality 75 mg plavix heart attack during sex, providing a review rather than a thorough treatment of the subject purchase 75 mg plavix with visa heart attack warning signs. We will now begin our dis- cussion of mechanics by examining static forces that act on the human body. We will first discuss stability and equilibrium of the human body, and then we will calculate the forces exerted by the skeletal muscles on various parts of the body. This weight can be considered a force acting through a single point called the center of mass or center of gravity. As pointed out in Appendix A, a body is in static equilibrium if the vectorial sum of both the forces and the torques acting on the body is zero. If a body is unsupported, the force of gravity accelerates it, and the body is not in equilibrium. The position of the center of mass with respect to the base of support deter- mines whether the body is stable or not. A body is in stable equilibrium under the action of gravity if its center of mass is directly over its base of support (Fig. Under this condition, the reaction force at the base of support can- cels the force of gravity and the torque produced by it. If the center of mass is outside the base, the torque produced by the weight tends to topple the body (Fig. The wider the base on which the body rests, the more stable it is; that is, the more difficult it is to topple it. The same amount of angular displacement of a narrow-based body results in a torque that will topple it (Fig. Similar considerations show that a body is more stable if its center of gravity is closer to its base. The act of balancing requires maintenance of the center of gravity above the feet. A person falls when his center of gravity is displaced beyond the position of the feet. When carrying an uneven load, the body tends to compensate by bend- ing and extending the limbs so as to shift the center of gravity back over the feet. This tendency of the body to compensate for uneven weight distribution often causes problems for people who have lost an arm, as the continuous compen- satory bending of the torso can result in a permanent distortion of the spine. It is often recommended that amputees wear an artificial arm, even if they cannot use it, to restore balanced weight distribution. Let us calculate the magnitude of the force applied to the shoulder that will topple a person standing at rigid attention. In the absence of the force, the person is in stable equilibrium because his center of mass is above his feet, which are Section 1. When the person topples, he will do so by pivoting around point A—assuming that he does not slide. The counterclockwise torque Ta about this point produced by the applied force is Ta Fa × 1. The person is on the verge of toppling when the magnitudes of these two torques are just equal; that is, Ta Tw or Fa × 1. This shifts the center of gravity away from the pivot point A, increasing the restoring torque produced by the weight of the body. Stability against a toppling force is also increased by spreading the legs, as shown in Fig. The tendons, which are made of strong tissue, grow into the bone and attach the muscle to the bone. But some muscles end in two or three tendons; these muscles are called, respectively, biceps and triceps. In general, the two bones attached by muscles are free to move with respect to each other at the joints where they contact each other. This arrangement of muscle and bone was noted by Leonardo da Vinci, who wrote, “The muscles always begin and end in the bones that touch one another, and they never begin and end on the same bone.... When fibers in the muscle receive an electrical stimulus from the nerve endings that are attached to them, they contract.

Eventually the abscesses in her upper teeth were found purchase plavix 75 mg overnight delivery blood pressure chart in excel, clearing up her cheek pain and protecting the liver from recurrent infections from these bacteria cheap 75mg plavix with visa arrhythmia management plano. She could also stop using Tums , stop coughing, and no longer was bothered by her hiatal hernia. Elbow Pain One variety of elbow pain is due to an inflamed tendon there; it is sometimes called “tennis elbow. The inflammation is caused by a liver full of stones and parasites, especially flukes which manufacture a chemical that affects tendons. Using your elbows while they are inflamed is traumatic to them, like working with a sore thumb. Wrist Pain Tendons passing through the wrist can become inflamed from the unnatural chemicals produced by fluke parasites in the liver. Using the wrists to work further traumatizes them (injures them) making it harder for them to heal. A small hole between the tendons lets the nerve and blood vessels through into the hand. When tendons at the wrist thicken, they can squeeze down on the nerves and blood vessels until the hand or fingers feel numb. Wearing a wrist bandage or support can help reduce trauma damage to the wrist while it is healing. Numbness of hands, without wrist pain, is more often due to a brain problem with parasites and pollutants. If the pain goes away beforehand, while you are on the kidney cleanse, it shows you had deposits in your joints. Finger Pain This is pain in a joint, often accompanied by some enlarge- ment or knobbyness of the joint. It is not hard to recognize these as deposits of the same kind as we saw in the toes. In six weeks after starting the kidney cleanse and changing your diet, the knobs may already be shrinking. A large magnet (5000 gauss—used only as directed) may bring pain relief but only dental cleanup and environmental cleanup will give you lasting improvement. Pulling an infected tooth or cleaning a cavitation can bring complete relief, only to return the next time a tooth is extracted. Cleaning the liver can also bring immediate relief, only to find pain and stiffness to return months later. An allergic reaction to potatoes and tomatoes can express it- self in neck pain too. Perhaps they prefer to attach themselves at a particular neck site and cause inflammation here. Whiplash is often blamed for back-neck pain and indeed chiropractic ad- justments can bring total relief. Front Neck Pain Lymph nodes under the jaw strain your body fluids of the head, removing bacteria and toxins. Roland Sanford, 23, had minor pain and a lot of stiffness along the sides of his neck. He only had one metal tooth filling but his whole body was toxic with samarium, be- ryllium, indium, copper, cesium, and mercury. Audrey Doyle had severe neck pains she attributed to sitting all day and sleeping in her wheelchair. She knew eating cream and butter made it worse but she had no will power, she said. Ask the dentist to search for hidden tooth in- fections and to clean your cavitations (you will need to find an alternative dentist, and read Dental Cleanup, page 409). Begin immediately to heal these bone lesions with vitamin D (40,000 to 50,000 units once a day for 3 weeks, followed by 2 such doses per week forever), milk-consumption for calcium, and a magnesium oxide tablet. For extra muscle relaxation, take two magnesium tablets at bedtime and valerian capsules.

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Anxiolytics (Tranquilizers) Chlordiazepoxide: Chlordiazepoxide plavix 75 mg cheap blood pressure xanax, 7-chloro-2-methylamino-5-phenyl-3H-1 buy plavix 75mg blood pressure chart seniors,4-benzo- diazepin-4-oxide (5. This is reacted in the usual manner with hydroxylamine, forming 2-amino-5-chlorobenzophe- none oxide (5. Reacting this with a primary amine, methylamine in particular, leads to an interesting rearrangement (with a ring expansion), and the reaction product turns out to be 7-chloro- 2-methylamino-5-phenyl-3H-1,4-benzodiazepin-4-oxide (5. An analogous rearrangement with a ring expansion also proceeds upon reaction with alkaline or alcoxides; however, it should be noted that with dialkylamines, the reaction forms the expected substitution products, 2-dialkylaminomethyl derivatives of 6-chloro- 4-phenylquinazolin-3-oxide. Chlordiazepoxide was the first representative of the benzo- diazepine series of anxiolytics to be introduced into medical practice [15–17]. This undergoes an extremely curious acetoxylation reaction of the third position of the benzodiazepine ring, using acetic anhydride, and which reminiscents the Polonovski reaction, giving 7-chloro-1,3-dihydro- 3-acetoxy-5-phenyl-2H-benzodiazepin-2-one (5. It is used in neu- rosis, conditions of anxiety, fear, stress, trouble falling asleep, and psychovegatative disorders. Reacting this with methylamine, as in the case of chlordiazepoxide, leads to rearrangement and a ring expansion, forming 7-chloro- 2-methylamino-5-(2′-chlorphenyl)-3H-1,4-benzodiazepin-4-oxide (5. The resulting benzodiazepin-4-oxide undergoes acetylation by acetic anhydride at the secondary nitrogen atom, and is further hydrolyzed by hydrochloric acid into 7-chloro-5-(2′-chlorophenyl)-1,2- dihydro-3H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-on-4-oxide (5. Reaction of this product with acetic anhydride leads to a Polonovski type rearrangement reaction, giving a 3-acetoxylated ben- zodiazepine, 7-chloro-1,3-dihydro-3-acetoxy-5-(2′-chlorphenyl)-2H-benzodiazepin-2-one (5. Reacting this with amino- malonic ester gives a heterocyclization product, 7-chloro-1,3-dihydro-3-carbethoxy- 5-phenyl-2H-benzodiazepin-2-one (5. The same scheme that was used to make triazolam can be used to make alprazolam, with the exception that it begins with 2- amino-5-chlorobenzophenone [33–35]. However, a non-standard way of making alprazo- lam has been suggested, which comes from 2,6-dichloro-4-phenylquinoline, the reaction of which with hydrazine gives 6-chloro-2-hydrazino-4-phenylquinoline (5. Boiling this with triethyl orthoacetate in xylene leads to the heterocyclization into a triazole deriv- ative (5. The resulting product undergoes oxidative cleavage using sodium periodate and ruthenium dioxide in an acetone–water system to give 2-[4-(3′-methyl-1,2,4-tria- zolo)]-5-chlorobenzophenone (5. Oxymethylation of the last using formaldehyde and subsequent substitution of the resulting hydroxyl group by phosphorous tribromide, gives 2-[4-(3′-methyl-5′-bromomethyl-1,2,4-triazolo)]-5-chlorobenzophenone (5. Substitution of the bromine atom with an amino group using ammonia and the sponta- neous, intermolecular heterocyclization following that reaction gives alprazolam (5. As already noted, there are drugs found among benzodiazepine derivatives that have expressed anxiolytic action and that lack or have poorly expressed sedative–hypnotic effects, which are called “daytime tranquilizers. Anxiolytics (Tranquilizers) The third method of making medazepam consists of a new way of making 7-chloro-2,3- dihydro-5-phenyl-1H-1,4-benzodiazepine (5. The last is reacted with ethyleneimine in the presence of aluminum chloride, giving N- (4-chlorophenyl)-N-methylethylenediamine (5. Acylation of the resulting product with benzoyl chloride gives the respective amide (5. This drug relieves the feeling of worry, restores emotional calmness, and has a stabilizing effect on the vegetative nervous system. Medazepam is used in neurosis, psychopathy accompanied by excitement, stress, elevated irritability, insomnia, and functional neurosis of the cardiovascular system. After the introduction of benzodiazepines into practice, the use of this drug became significantly less. Meprobamate is used primarily as a daytime anxiolytic in treat- ing conditions of anxiety associated with everyday, usual, and common stress. As an anxiolytic, its activity is equal to that of benzodi- azepines; however, it is devoid of anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant properties, which are characteristic of benzodiazepines. A few side effects of buspirone include dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, nervousness, fatigue, and weakness. This drug is intended for treatment of conditions of anxiety in which stress, muscle pain, rapid heart rate, dizziness, fear, etc. Synonyms for buspirone are anizal, axoren, buspar, buspimen, buspinol, narol, travin, and others. Anxiolytics (Tranquilizers) Hydroxyzine: Hydroxyzine, 2-[2-[4-(p-chloro-α-phenylbenzyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethoxy] ethanol (5. This drug has muscle relaxant, antihistimine, analgesic, local anesthetic, and antiemetic action as well as a wide thera- peutic effect. It is mainly used in premedication and following general anesthesia, during which it potentiates the action of meperidine and barbiturates.

Polymers Polymers are chiefly texture enhancers used at levels of 3 to 40% depending on whether they are to be included in a loose or pressed powder 75 mg plavix with amex blood pressure 8860. Colorants Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide generic plavix 75 mg visa heart attack one direction song, both pigmentary and ultrafine, organics, inor- ganics, carmine and pearlescent pigments either predispersed or treated are found in all face powders because the textures of these colorants are not very satisfac- tory. Perfumes The use of perfumes is important for face powder, which requires them because most of the raw materials used are earthy smelling and should be masked. Decorative Products 293 Preservatives Preservation of face powders is usually not a problem since they are used dry, but small amounts of antibacterials are recommended. Powdered eye shadows should always contain antibacterials such as parabens, imidazolidinyl urea, and others. Loose Face Powders This type has declined in popularity in favor of pressed face powder products. The smoothness of loose face powder can be enhanced by use of the aforemen- tioned texture enhancers. In the manufacturing process, all ingredients except the pearls, if required, are combined in a stainless steel ribbon blender. Mixing time can be as long as 1 or 2 h, depending on the size of the batch and evenness of the color. Perfume, if required, is slowly sprayed into the batch, and blended until homogeneous. Color adjustments are made, if necessary, in the ribbon blender and the batch is repulverized. Pressed Face Powders Pressed face powders are more popular than loose powders because of their ease of application and portability. The basic raw materials are the same as loose powder except that a binder must be used to press the cake into a tin-plate godet. If water-based binders are used, aluminum godets should be considered to prevent corrosion. The properties of a binder are is follows: provides creaminess to the powder, aids in compression and adhesion, develops colorants, enhances water- resistance and pick-up and deposit. If the binder level is too high, it may be difficult to remove the powder with a puff. Also, high levels may lead to glazing of the powder surface, making it waxy looking, with little or no pay-off. Fatty soaps, kaolin, polyethylene, teflon synthetic wax and calcium silicate are some of the binder systems used. Silicone-treated pigments have given rise to pressed face powders that may be used wet or dry. When a wet sponge is applied to the cake, no water penetrates the cake; the water is repelled. When formulating pressed powders, care must be taken so that the raw materials used do not corrode the godets or attack the plastic packaging materials. The manufacture of pressed pow- ders, including the mixing and color-matching process, is similar to loose pow- ders. Sometimes the powder mix is pulverized without binder and then again 294 Schlossman after its addition. Pearls are usually added during the blending process and prefer- ably without the milling operation, which can damage the pearl. If milling a batch containing pearl becomes necessary, it should be done with the mill screen removed. Powder pressing is often more successful if the powder is kept for a few days to allow the binder system to fully spread, especially when pearls are present. The pressures used and the speed of pressing depends on the characteris- tics of the individual formulation and the size of the godet. Powder Blushers The attributes of blushers are as follows: (1) add color to the face; (2) give more dimension to the cheekbones; (3) harmonize the face-balance between eye makeup and lipstick; (4) create subtle changes in the foundation look when lightly dusted over the face. Pressed powder blushers are similar to face powder formula- tions, except that a greater range of color pigments are used. The three basic iron oxides and one or more of the lakes are used to achieve various blusher shades. Care should be taken than only nonbleeding pigments be used to avoid skin staining.


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