

By I. Hamil. Knoxville College.

Recent scientific investigations have demonstrated that there are functional and structural changes that occur in the brain when a person meditates cheap 500mg keflex mastercard antibiotics depression. Through meditation proven keflex 250 mg antibiotics insomnia, we have the ability to change the Meditation: Sitting in Stillness • 105 way our brains work. Meditation allows you to discover these thoughts and emotions, to examine them and with awareness, acceptance and self-compassion, allow them to dissolve. When you’re resting in that calm, centered space of awareness and openness, you may feel a sense of universal connection to all of existence. Twelve Principle Points of Practice Before you sit down to begin your first meditation practice, you’ll be glad to know that you’ve already started! Just by doing the previous breathing and mindfulness exercises you’ve been doing a form of meditation. The object of your focus, your breathing for example, is always slipping away as the mind naturally wanders and jumps around. It helps to know a few more things about what to expect and how to go about your practice in order to really enjoy its benefits. These twelve principle practice points will help you get started and stay committed, so that you can really begin to take advantage of all that meditation has to offer. Is it to achieve calmness and peace of mind, or are you also trying to find a greater truth of existence beyond yourself? It can be anywhere in your house, but it should be a place where you’ll have some peace and quiet with few interruptions. If you meditate in the same place all the time, you will naturally come to associate that location with meditation and you’ll begin to relax just by being there. Some people like to meditate in the morning when they first get up, as their minds are naturally quieter. It’s best not to meditate right before, or after eating, as the process of digestion will interfere with your concentration, as will feelings of intense hunger. Focus Your Attention When meditating, you’ll need to pick a focus for your attention. You might choose to focus on your breathing, a light, a sound, a mantra, or whatever the most prominent, mental, or physical sensation happens to be at that time. When you have chosen a focus for your meditation, it’s important to stick to that one object of focus at first, in order to create some consistency in your practice. Duration of Practice In the beginning, you should start with shorter meditation times and then gradually build up to longer intervals. As you continue to progress, you can increase your time by five to ten minutes weekly or whatever seems right for you. With practice, over time, you’ll be able to meditate for anywhere up to an hour or longer per day. Life can get hectic but any time that you can commit to meditation is time well spent. Use Meditation: Sitting in Stillness • 107 your watch or cell phone alarm, or even an egg timer, to signal the end of the designated meditation period. That way, you don’t have to worry about the time and it helps to develop the persistence to practice until your designated time is up. Predictability In order to see some benefit from meditation, it’s important to meditate on a daily basis. It’s only with continued practice that you will develop stability and peace of mind. If you truly can’t take the time to meditate daily then make an attempt to meditate as often as you can. If you miss a day, don’t worry; just form the intention in your mind to make this a part of your daily routine. Making it a Priority We all lead very busy lives and in order to find time to practice you may have to be creative with the time you have. Let your family and friends know not to interrupt you and that this time is your quiet time.

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For example cheap keflex 250mg with amex treatment for feline uti, the stomach is located in the left example 750mg keflex with visa antimicrobial epoxy paint, the kidneys are superior to the urinary hypochondriac and epigastric region; the appen- bladder. The directional phrase superior to denotes dix is located in the hypogastric region. Table 4-2 Body Cavities This table lists the body cavities and some of the major organs found within them. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominopelvic cavity by a muscular wall called the diaphragm. Cavity Major Organ(s) in the Cavity Dorsal Cranial Brain Spinal Spinal cord Ventral Thoracic Heart, lungs, and associated structures Abdominopelvic Digestive, excretory, and reproductive organs and structures Table 4-3 Body Quadrants This table lists the quadrants of the body, their corresponding abbreviations, and their major structures. Right Left hypochondriac Epigastric hypochondriac region region region Right upper Left upper quadrant quadrant Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar region region region Right lower Left lower quadrant quadrant Right inguinal Hypogastric Left inguinal (iliac) region region (iliac) region Figure 4-4. Table 4-4 Abdominopelvic Regions This table lists the names of the abdominopelvic regions and their location. Region Location Left hypochondriac Upper left region beneath the ribs Epigastric Region above the stomach Right hypochondriac Upper right region beneath the ribs Left lumbar Left middle lateral region Umbilical Region of the navel Right lumbar Right middle lateral region Left inguinal (iliac) Left lower lateral region Hypogastric Lower middle region beneath the navel Right inguinal (iliac) Right lower lateral region It is time to review the planes of the body and quadrants and regions of the abdominopelvic area by completing Learning Activities 4–1 and 4–2. Table 4-5 Directional Terms This table lists directional terms along with their definitions. Term Definition Abduction Movement away from the midsagittal (median) plane of the body or one of its parts Adduction Movement toward the midsagittal (median) plane of the body Directional Terms 47 Table 4-5 Directional Terms—cont’d Term Definition Medial Pertaining to the midline of the body or structure Lateral Pertaining to a side Superior (cephalad) Toward the head or upper portion of a structure Inferior (caudal) Away from the head, or toward the tail or lower part of a structure Proximal Nearer to the center (trunk of the body) or to the point of attachment to the body Distal Further from the center (trunk of the body) or from the point of attachment to the body Anterior (ventral) Front of the body Posterior (dorsal) Back of the body Parietal Pertaining to the outer wall of the body cavity Visceral Pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs, especially the abdominal organs Prone Lying on the abdomen, face down Supine Lying horizontally on the back, face up Inversion Turning inward or inside out Eversion Turning outward Palmar Pertaining to the palm of the hand Plantar Pertaining to the sole of the foot Superficial Toward the surface of the body (external) Deep Away from the surface of the body (internal) It is time to review body cavity, spine, and directional terms by completing Learning Activity 4–3. Medical Word Elements This section introduces combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes related to body structure. Thus, the individual with heterochromia may have one brown iris and one blue iris. Cirrhosis of the liver is usually associated with alcoholism or chronic hepatitis. Pathology 53 Pathology diseases include: • metabolic (such as diabetes) All body cells require oxygen and nutrients for sur- • infectious (such as measles and mumps) vival. They also need a stable internal environment • congenital (such as cleft lip) that provides a narrow range of temperature, water, • hereditary (such as hemophilia) acidity, and salt concentration. This stable internal • environmental (such as burns and trauma) environment is called homeostasis. When home- • neoplastic (such as cancer) ostasis is disrupted and cells, tissues, organs, or sys- tems are unable to function effectively, the condition Establishing the cause and nature of a disease is is called disease. Determining a diagnosis ease is a pathological or morbid condition that helps in the selection of a treatment. A prognosis is presents a group of signs, symptoms, and clinical the prediction of the course of a disease and its findings. A symptom is subjective and is A variety of diagnostic procedures are used to experienced only by the patient. Dizziness, pain, and identify diseases and determine their extent or malaise are examples of symptoms. Diagnostic tests can be simple, such as are the results of radiologic, laboratory, and other listening to chest sounds with a stethoscope, or medical procedures performed on the patient or complex, such as a biopsy. Abbreviations Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related Terms This section introduces diagnostic, symptomatic, and related terms and their meanings. Descriptions are provided as well as pro- nunciations and word analyses for selected terms. The endoscope is usually named for the organ, cavity, or canal being exam- ined, such as gastroscope and sigmoidoscope. Rather than being directed into the body, radiation comes from inside the body and is then detected by a specialized camera to produce an image. It is especially useful to visu- -graphy: process of recording alize blood flow through arteries and veins in the brain. A computer analyzes the reflected echoes and converts them into an image on a video monitor. Because this procedure does not use ionizing radiation (x-ray), it is used for visualizing fetuses as well as the neck, abdomen, pelvis, brain, and heart.

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The concept of ìfamilyî tion and allow participants to express their feel- should be expanded to include members of the ings and concerns discount keflex 750mg on-line antibiotics for acne before and after. These continuing forums help secure family support for patient treatment and identify acute family problems needing focused therapy 500mg keflex overnight delivery 7daystodie infection. Nunes and colleagues (1998b) staff and reserved for families with serious recommended that treatment providers ask problems with behaviors or attitudes that about the mental health and adjustment of contribute to patientsí addictions, which, if patientsí children and consider routine psychi- unchecked, might affect recovery. Dawe and referrals to community-based services often are colleagues (2000) reported improved needed, and the consensus panel urges that parentñchild relations and positive outcomes such connections be established. Family therapy for children with conduct problems after may be more effective for some patients than behavioral training that provided their parents individual counseling, group therapy, or family with improved parenting techniques. Child assessment stable, treatment focus on concerns about cus- requires trained personnel and may be unreal- tody, children, and parenting. A counselor who determines that Psychodynamic parenting groups take a more a patient is neglecting or abusing young children intensive approach, exploring topics such as is required to report the neglect or abuse. Counselors should incorporate appropriate assessment procedures, referrals, or treatment responses for violence. They might have to help Peer Support, or M utual-Help, patients remove themselves from dangerous situ- Program s ations. Counselors should have a broad view of domestic violence that includes female (to male) The most popular, widely used mutual-help aggression, same-sex physical and emotional models are 12-Step recovery programs, such abuse, and issues related to elder abuse. They are sources for social provide general didactic groups or seminars and support, peer identification, relapse preven- other resources addressing domestic violence. Members of sup- port groups gain strength and security from others who understand and share their con- Integrative cerns and who offer practical strategies for surviving ìone day at a time. Some patients, unable to handle rejection, have chosen not to return, others have chosen prematurely to taper from maintenance medication, and some have used this diffi- culty as justification to self-medicate. For information, contact the National Alliance of Methadone Advocates (212-595-6262 or www. Other Approaches Decreases in substance abuse among group participants have been associated with attend- In acupuncture, thin needles are inserted ing meetings frequently, obtaining a sponsor, subcutaneously at points on the body for thera- ìworkingî the 12 Steps, and leading meetings peutic purposes. Some believe that acupunc- (American Psychiatric Association 1995, 1996; ture can relieve pain, anxiety, and withdrawal Landry 1997). However, 12-Step groups are symptoms related to substance abuse, although not for everyone. Its use to treat opioid with- Patients should not be pressured to attend sup- drawal was first reported in 1973. Resistance to attendance should However, a National Institutes of Health be discussed and respected. Every effort consensus statement lists addiction as one con- should be made to help a patient find an dition for which acupuncture treatment might appropriate peer support program. Although the mechanism of acupunc- ative strategies have evolved to promote ture is not understood, some researchers have mutual-help programs, such as simulated meet- focused on the analgesic effects of opioid pep- ings to introduce patients to the language, cus- tides released during the procedure (National toms, and rules of groups. A useful manual is Relapse strategy to ensure that a severe relapse is Prevention W orkbook (Daley 2002). Relapse Prevention Strategies for M ultiple Substance Use Education about relapse is a key part of treat- Patients who abuse multiple substances may ment. Educational approaches should teach require modified relapse prevention strategies. Separate interventions drug cravings and slips to prevent full-blown may be necessary for each substance because relapses. Relapse prevention strategies often the associated risks of relapse are different for distinguish between slips and relapses, with each. For course, no level of opioid use should be con- example, a patient may associate heroin use doned, but when a relatively mild and isolated with socializing and cocaine use with alleviating episode occurs, the consensus panel recom- depression. Providing Com prehensive Care and M axim izing Patient Retention 137 Some researchers have noted that an absti- treatment for relapse prevention concluded nence violation effect may occur when a patient that these treatments, although studied for abstains from a substance but then relapses years, were ineffective (Conklin and Tiffany and possibly overuses it. W hen a slip or lapse occurs, the patientís self- Patient Follow up Strategies esteem can be lowered, which he or she may Patient followup and continuing care have been attempt to repair by continuing or increasing found to be critical to preventing relapse and substance use. The consensus panel by repeated exposures to an experience that believes that these discharges are, in many previously triggered drug use (Childress et al.


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