

By J. Lisk. Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School. 2018.

The spot remains healthy according to appearance buy discount rocaltrol 0.25 mcg on-line medicine cabinets surface mount, only the internal organism is called into activity by the infection (which occurs usually in a moment) purchase 0.25mcg rocaltrol with visa medications voltaren, so as to incorporate the venereal miasma and to become thoroughly diseased with the venereal malady. On the other hand, are not the chronic miasmas disease- parasites which continue to live as long as the man seized by them is alive, and which have their fruit in the eruption originally produced by them (the itch-pustule, the chancre and the fig-wart, which in turn are capable of infecting others and which do not die off of themselves like the acute miasmas, but can only be exterminated and annihilated by a counter-infection, by means of the potency of a medicinal disease quite similar to it and stronger than it (the anti- psoric), so that the patient is delivered from them and recovers his health? This is therefore manifestly a chancre ulcer which acts vicariously for the internal malady, and which has been produced from within by the organism after it has become venereal through and through, and is able through its touch to communicate also to other men the same miasma; i. Now, if the entire disease thus arising is again extinguished through the internally given specific remedy, then the chancre also is healed and the man recovers. But if the chancre is destroyed through local applications* before the internal disease is healed, - and this is still a daily practise with physicians of the old school, - the miasmatic chronic venereal remains in the organism as syphilis, and it is aggravated, if not then cured internally, from year to year until the end of manÕs life, the most robust constitution being unable to annihilate it within itself. Only through the cure of the venereal disease, which pervades the whole internal of the body (as I have taught and practiced for many years), the chancre, its local symptom, will also simultaneously be cured in the most effective manner; and this is best without the use of any external application for its removal - while the merely local destruction of the chancre, without any previous general cure and deliverance of man from the internal disease, is followed by the most certain outbreak of syphilis with its sufferings. The itch disease is, however, also the most contagious of all chronic miasmata, far more infectious than the other two chronic miasmata, the venereal chancre disease and the figwart disease. To effect the infection with the latter there is required a certain amount of friction in the most tender parts of the body, which are the most rich in nerves and covered with the thinnest cuticle, as in the genital organs, unless the miasma should touch a wounded spot. But the miasma of the itch needs only to touch the general skin, especially with tender children. The disposition of being affected with the miasma of itch is found with almost everyone and under almost all circumstances, which is not the case with the other two miasmata. No other chronic miasma infects more generally, more surely, more easily and more absolutely than the miasma of itch; as already stated, it is the most contagious of all. It is communicated so easily, that even the physician, hurrying from one patient to another, in feeling the pulse has unconsciously * inoculated other patients with it; wash which is washed with wash infected with the itch; new gloves which had been tried on by an itch patient, a strange lodging place, a strange towel used for drying oneself have communicated this tinder of contagion; yea, often a babe, when being born, is infected while passing through the organs of the mother, who may be infected (as is not infrequently the case) with this disease; or the babe receives this unlucky infection through the hand of the midwife, which has been infected by another parturient woman (or previously); or, again, a suckling may be infected by its nurse, or, while on her arm, by her caresses or the caresses of a strange person with unclean hands; not to mention the thousands of other possible ways in which things polluted with this invisible miasma may touch a man in the course of his life, and which often can in no way be anticipated or guarded against, so that men who have never been infected by the psora are the exception. We need not to hunt for the causes of infection in crowded hospitals, factories, prisons, or in orphan houses, or in the filthy huts of paupers; even in active life, in retirement, and in the rich classes, the itch creeps in. The hermit on Montserrat escapes it as rarely in his rocky cell, as the little prince in his swaddling clothes of cambric. Nothing is seen on the skin during the first days; it remains unchanged, and, according to appearance, healthy. There is no eruption or itching to be noticed on the body during these days, not even on the spot infected. The nerve which was first affected by the miasma has already communicated it in an invisible dynamic manner to the nerves of the rest of the body, and the living organism has at once, all unperceived, been so penetrated by this specific excitation, that it has been compelled to appropriate this miasma gradually to itself until the change of the whole being to a man thoroughly psoric, and thus the internal development of the psora, has reached completion. Only when the whole organism feels itself transformed by this peculiar chronic-miasmatic disease, the diseased vital force endeavors to alleviate and to soothe the internal malady through the establishment of a suitable local symptom on the skin, the itch-vesicles. So long as this eruption continues in its normal form, the internal psora, with its secondary ailments, cannot break forth, but must remain covered, slumbering, latent and bound. Usually it takes six, seven or ten, perhaps even fourteen days from the moment of infection before the transformation of the entire internal organism into psora has been effected. Then only, there follows after a slight or more severe chill in the evening and a general heat, followed by, perspiration in the following night, (a little fever which by many persons is ascribed to a cold and therefore disregarded), the outbreak of the vesicles of itch, at first fine as if from miliary fever, but afterwards enlarging on the skin* - first in the region of the spot first infected, and, indeed, accompanied with a voluptuously tickling itching - which may be called unbearably agreeable (Grimmen), which compels the patient so irresistibly to rub and to scratch the vesicles of itch, that, if a person restrains himself forcibly from rubbing or scratching, a shudder passes over the skin of the whole body. This rubbing and scratching indeed satisfies somewhat for a few moments, but there then follows immediately a long- continued burning of the part affected. Late in the evening and before midnight this itching is most frequent and most unbearable. The itching not only compels the patient to rub, but on account of its violence, as before mentioned, to rub and scratch open the vesicles; and the humor pressed out furnishes abundant material for infecting the surroundings of the patient and also other persons not yet infected. The extremities defiled even to an imperceptible degree with this lymph, so also the wash, the clothes and the utensils of all kinds, when touched, propagate the disease. Only this skin symptom of the psora which has permeated the whole organism (and which as more manifestly falling under the cognizance of the senses has the name of itch), only this eruption, as well as the sores which later arise from it and are attended on their borders with the itching peculiar to psora, as also the herpes which has this peculiar itching and which becomes humid when rubbed (the tetter), as also the tinea capitis - these alone can propagate this to other persons, because they alone contain the communicable miasma of the psora. But the remaining secondary symptoms of the psora, which in time manifest themselves after the disappearance or the artificial expulsion of the eruption, i. They are, so far as we know, just as little able to transfer the psora to others, as the secondary symptoms of the venereal disease are able to infect other men (as first observed and taught by J. When the itch-eruption has only lately broken out and is not yet widely spread on the skin, nothing of the general internal malady of the psora is as yet to be noticed in the state of the patient.

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The bacte- ria under her metal teeth will continue to infect her body and let others grow as well order 0.25 mcg rocaltrol mastercard medicine dictionary. Notice how the breast was next in line for the cancer and how the breast had been accumulating arsenic and nickel discount 0.25mcg rocaltrol with mastercard treatment sinus infection. Toxic substances from the top of the body are collected by lymph nodes and passed into the breast for stor- age when there is too much for the kidneys to eliminate. Sherry Wu Cervical Cancer Sherry had a hysterectomy for endometrial cancer in 1965. She had a hip replacement a few years ago, but her clinical doctor said this was not the cause of her pain. She will drink 3 glasses of 2% milk and take Magne- sium oxide (300 mg) one a day. Summary: Sherry is a very active person; it would break her heart to be forced to stop her gymnastics class. Since she is an old client who had seen us over the years for any major problem, I do not doubt she carried out our instructions precisely. She has probably saved herself surgery, and without any interruption of her gymnastics class. Summary: Maria got rid of her cancer in 16 days when the intesti- nal fluke was gone. But she still had other flukes that were multiplying in her, due to a variety of solvents accumulated in her body. She also has a com- plexion problem (not significant to my mind), breathing problem, and insomnia. We explained that it was probably very early, too small for the mammogram to detect. She did well, considering that she was barely able to believe she had cancer after her negative mammogram. But I hope she stayed with the parasite pro- gram to protect herself from cancer, at least. A total mastectomy was done 8 years ago for multiple cysts and she got breast implants but had to have them removed for leakage later. I discussed with her the need to do all 5 of our routines and that she would probably be much better in 3 months. These would be: 1) Kidney cleanse; 2) Parasite killing; 3) Toxic element removal; 4) Bacteria and virus elimination; and 5) Liver cleanse. Since her urinalysis showed crystals in the urine, we would start with a kidney cleanse. She said her brother had died of cirrhosis of the liver; she was not too surprised she had liver cancer! There are probably other flukes, like the liver fluke and pancreatic fluke at the extra locations. I emphasized the primary importance of staying on a parasite killing maintenance program. I did not manage to warn her of the solvents benzene and isopropyl alcohol, or of the danger of eating undercooked beef; chicken and turkey. Summary: It is understandable when a sick person finds our meth- ods and results too strange to believe. Summary: I wonder if I did the right thing in telling her the cancer was already gone at her second visit. At age 47, she should be trying to undo the bad health practices of her youth, not sweeping them aside. Note: He is full of wood alcohol, which has a tendency to accumulate in the pancreas. Nickel is quite soluble in fat, so skin oils could dissolve a lot of it out of the glasses frames and absorb it. Notice that Robert has made a lot of changes already in his lifestyle and yet his pains remain. But he has two potent causes of prostate trouble still left to conquer: asbestos and nickel. The list of metals absorbed into his body was exceptionally long - probably due to many kidney stones blocking their excretion.

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As the liver is less able to detoxify them buy cheap rocaltrol 0.25 mcg online medicine on time, common toxins are allowed to roam the body with the circulation cheap 0.25mcg rocaltrol mastercard symptoms dehydration, doing harm to all the organs. At first, the liver can “catch up” its work and finally clear the toxin for excretion. The body, notably the brain, is bathed in toxic chemicals that interfere with its functioning. All these signs of aging (dementias) can be reversed by sim- ply removing the common toxins with which we are already familiar. If you have a loved one with symptoms of aging, and this person is willing to cooperate with you, you can honestly promise them numerous improvements. Spend a good deal of your effort on persuasion since living longer or being healthier may not seem worth giving up a coffee and doughnut breakfast. On the other hand, they might respond to the goal of needing fewer pills, getting into their own apartment again or becoming freed from a walker. He appeared to have the same kind of mental deteriora- tion as his mother, but at a much earlier age. He also had Acanthocephala, Dipe- talonema (a chicken roundworm), amoeba (Entamoeba histo- lytica) and Fischoedrius in the thinking part of his brain. He had been in the poultry business all his life: his mother probably shared this exposure, as well as other lifestyle habits that gave them solvents and pollutants besides parasites. He had constant ringing in his ears, this could affect hearing an ordinary conversation. He had a water softener that would have supplied a daily dose of aluminum to the brain, too. Perhaps the marvel is that he was no worse off, a tribute to human strength in general. If many people can live to 100 years, then surely this is the human life span, not three score and ten. If we knew which organ is failing, we could come to its as- sistance and prevent the collapse of the whole body. Diet If your aging friend or relative is in a home for the elderly, you may be able to persuade him or her to choose a diet that is wiser than the average diet people eat there. Just stopping drinking the coffee, decaf, iced tea and carbonated beverages that are served, and switching to the recipes in this book could get them off some of their medicines. Milk has the organic form of calcium, chelated with lactic acid, and it has the cream to pro- mote absorption. If there is not sufficient acid, it will pass undi- gested into the intestine, causing new problems. We must listen to the elderly when they say milk gives them gas or other troubles. Milk served hot with cinnamon accomplishes two purposes: it will stimulate acid secretion and the cinnamon is an insulin aid. Milk served hot with honey adds the nutritive value of honey, displacing the need for other unnatural sweets. It does not have to be added to the milk; it can simply be included with the meal somewhere. Lemon juice or vinegar can be put in certain foods but the most reliable way to get it into the diet is to put 1 tablespoon into the water glass along with a teaspoon of honey. This gives the water a “sweet and sour” flavor, enough to make it interesting throughout the meal. Bring these two items to your loved one at the “home” if it cannot be provided regularly and reliably. The lemon and honey habit, alone, can add years (healthier years) to an elderly person. The extra acid taken with lunch and supper (the stomach has its own best supply of acid in the morning, for breakfast) improves overall digestion and helps dissolve the calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, and other minerals in the food so they can be absorbed. The habit of using vinegar and honey in water as a beverage was made famous by Dr. We must use only white distilled vinegar, even though it lacks potassium, aroma and popularity.


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